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NSW Masters Throws Pentathlon in Penrith, AUS on 24 Nov
Verona Run Half Marathon in Verona, ITA on 17 Nov
Xxix Maratona E Mezza Marat... in Palermo, ITA on 17 Nov

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Lasse Ring (SWE - M57) 10.10 - Weight Throw (11.34kg)
Wolfgang Schreiber (GER - M73) 26.14 - Discus (1kg)
Einar Vading (SWE - M43) 13.78 - Discus (2kg)

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Claude Hemmer, FRA&LUX - W75

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Michael Duroisin, BEL - M54

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2020 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's Steeplechase Performances

#12 World Ranked; #9 European Ranked


  View Michael's Pole Vault Performances

#60 World Ranked; #49 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#611 World Ranked; #510 European Ranked


  View Michael's Sprint Hurdles Performances

#118 World Ranked; #89 European Ranked


  View Michael's Long Hurdles Performances

#71 World Ranked; #55 European Ranked


  View Michael's Steeplechase Performances

#101 World Ranked; #90 European Ranked


  View Michael's High Jump Performances

#266 World Ranked; #216 European Ranked


  View Michael's Pole Vault Performances

#110 World Ranked; #82 European Ranked


  View Michael's Shot Put Performances

#1070 World Ranked; #900 European Ranked


  View Michael's Discus Performances

#783 World Ranked; #637 European Ranked


  View Michael's Decathlon Performances

#36 World Ranked; #30 European Ranked


  View Michael's Pentathlon Performances

#31 World Ranked; #18 European Ranked

2019 Indoor Performances

  View Michael's 60m Hurdles Performances

#75 World Ranked; #66 European Ranked


  View Michael's Pole Vault Performances

#62 World Ranked; #52 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 100m Performances

#758 World Ranked; #493 European Ranked


  View Michael's 400m Performances

#525 World Ranked; #366 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#628 World Ranked; #533 European Ranked


  View Michael's 3000m Performances

#685 World Ranked; #647 European Ranked


  View Michael's Sprint Hurdles Performances

#99 World Ranked; #66 European Ranked


  View Michael's Long Hurdles Performances

#76 World Ranked; #49 European Ranked


  View Michael's High Jump Performances

#316 World Ranked; #252 European Ranked


  View Michael's Pole Vault Performances

#143 World Ranked; #119 European Ranked


  View Michael's Long Jump Performances

#563 World Ranked; #431 European Ranked


  View Michael's Shot Put Performances

#1052 World Ranked; #875 European Ranked


  View Michael's Discus Performances

#851 World Ranked; #691 European Ranked


  View Michael's Javelin Performances

#519 World Ranked; #409 European Ranked


  View Michael's Decathlon Performances

#33 World Ranked; #26 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#500 World Ranked; #397 European Ranked


  View Michael's High Jump Performances

#245 World Ranked; #187 European Ranked

2017 Indoor Performances

  View Michael's 60m Hurdles Performances

#80 World Ranked; #61 European Ranked


  View Michael's Triple Jump Performances

#68 World Ranked; #58 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 100m Performances

#900 World Ranked; #613 European Ranked


  View Michael's 200m Performances

#723 World Ranked; #494 European Ranked


  View Michael's 800m Performances

#647 World Ranked; #528 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#762 World Ranked; #651 European Ranked


  View Michael's Sprint Hurdles Performances

#108 World Ranked; #67 European Ranked


  View Michael's Long Hurdles Performances

#89 World Ranked; #57 European Ranked


  View Michael's High Jump Performances

#316 World Ranked; #257 European Ranked


  View Michael's Pole Vault Performances

#139 World Ranked; #114 European Ranked


  View Michael's Long Jump Performances

#529 World Ranked; #405 European Ranked


  View Michael's Javelin Performances

#831 World Ranked; #695 European Ranked

2016 Indoor Performances

  View Michael's 60m Hurdles Performances

#74 World Ranked; #61 European Ranked


  View Michael's Pole Vault Performances

#60 World Ranked; #50 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 3000m Performances

#583 World Ranked; #540 European Ranked


  View Michael's Long Hurdles Performances

#141 World Ranked; #107 European Ranked


  View Michael's Steeplechase Performances

#139 World Ranked; #127 European Ranked


  View Michael's High Jump Performances

#405 World Ranked; #346 European Ranked


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