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Espoonlahden Heittokisat in Espoo, FIN on 29 Sep
56. Vihtijärvihölkkä in Vihti, FIN on 29 Sep
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Larry Shaw Salazar (USA - M56) 41:33.25 - 10000 Meter
Kaisa Valtonen (FIN - W61) 21.29 - Javelin (500g)
Ann-Christin Olsson (SWE - W59) 14.04 - Discus (1kg)

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Petteri Uusitalo, FIN - M46

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Martin Willis, GBR - M51

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2024 Outdoor Performances

  View Martin's 100m Performances


  View Martin's 200m Performances


  View Martin's 400m Performances


  View Martin's 800m Performances


  View Martin's 1500m Performances


  View Martin's 1 Mile Performances


  View Martin's Sprint Hurdles Performances


  View Martin's High Jump Performances


  View Martin's Pole Vault Performances


  View Martin's Long Jump Performances


  View Martin's Triple Jump Performances


  View Martin's Shot Put Performances


  View Martin's Discus Performances


  View Martin's Hammer Performances


  View Martin's Javelin Performances


  View Martin's Weight Performances


  View Martin's Decathlon Performances


  View Martin's Throws Pentathlon Performances

2024 Indoor Performances

  View Martin's 1500m Performances


  View Martin's Pole Vault Performances


  View Martin's Triple Jump Performances


  View Martin's Shot Put Performances

2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Martin's 100m Performances

#716 World Ranked; #369 European Ranked


  View Martin's 200m Performances

#637 World Ranked; #368 European Ranked


  View Martin's 400m Performances

#589 World Ranked; #372 European Ranked


  View Martin's 800m Performances

#810 World Ranked; #551 European Ranked


  View Martin's 1500m Performances

#823 World Ranked; #586 European Ranked


  View Martin's 1 Mile Performances

#208 World Ranked; #169 European Ranked


  View Martin's 3000m Performances

#619 World Ranked; #525 European Ranked


  View Martin's 5000m Performances

#716 World Ranked; #527 European Ranked


  View Martin's 10000m Performances

#232 World Ranked; #168 European Ranked


  View Martin's Sprint Hurdles Performances

#192 World Ranked; #113 European Ranked


  View Martin's Long Hurdles Performances

#138 World Ranked; #89 European Ranked


  View Martin's Steeplechase Performances

#141 World Ranked; #92 European Ranked


  View Martin's High Jump Performances

#350 World Ranked; #232 European Ranked


  View Martin's Pole Vault Performances

#179 World Ranked; #130 European Ranked


  View Martin's Long Jump Performances

#485 World Ranked; #289 European Ranked


  View Martin's Triple Jump Performances

#265 World Ranked; #156 European Ranked


  View Martin's Shot Put Performances

#642 World Ranked; #458 European Ranked


  View Martin's Discus Performances

#786 World Ranked; #539 European Ranked


  View Martin's Hammer Performances

#289 World Ranked; #212 European Ranked


  View Martin's Javelin Performances

#745 World Ranked; #522 European Ranked


  View Martin's Weight Performances

#212 World Ranked; #161 European Ranked


  View Martin's Decathlon Performances

#43 World Ranked; #32 European Ranked


  View Martin's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#187 World Ranked; #150 European Ranked

2023 Indoor Performances

  View Martin's 60m Performances

#305 World Ranked; #223 European Ranked


  View Martin's 200m Performances

#216 World Ranked; #164 European Ranked


  View Martin's 1500m Performances

#139 World Ranked; #106 European Ranked


  View Martin's 60m Hurdles Performances

#120 World Ranked; #92 European Ranked


  View Martin's High Jump Performances

#132 World Ranked; #105 European Ranked


  View Martin's Pole Vault Performances

#75 World Ranked; #59 European Ranked


  View Martin's Long Jump Performances

#167 World Ranked; #126 European Ranked


  View Martin's Triple Jump Performances

#84 World Ranked; #68 European Ranked


  View Martin's Shot Put Performances

#181 World Ranked; #148 European Ranked

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Martin's 100m Performances


  View Martin's 200m Performances

#534 World Ranked; #307 European Ranked


  View Martin's 1500m Performances

#910 World Ranked; #671 European Ranked


  View Martin's High Jump Performances

#358 World Ranked; #234 European Ranked


  View Martin's Long Jump Performances

#429 World Ranked; #279 European Ranked


  View Martin's Shot Put Performances

#407 World Ranked; #302 European Ranked


  View Martin's Discus Performances

#518 World Ranked; #389 European Ranked


  View Martin's Hammer Performances

#246 World Ranked; #209 European Ranked


  View Martin's Javelin Performances

#640 World Ranked; #468 European Ranked


  View Martin's Weight Performances

#142 World Ranked; #108 European Ranked


  View Martin's Pentathlon Performances

#28 World Ranked; #14 European Ranked

2022 Indoor Performances

  View Martin's 60m Performances

#201 World Ranked; #155 European Ranked


  View Martin's 200m Performances

#167 World Ranked; #140 European Ranked


  View Martin's Shot Put Performances

#87 World Ranked; #71 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Martin's 100m Performances

#620 World Ranked; #404 European Ranked


  View Martin's 200m Performances

#525 World Ranked; #364 European Ranked


  View Martin's 800m Performances

#691 World Ranked; #554 European Ranked


  View Martin's 1500m Performances

#895 World Ranked; #737 European Ranked


  View Martin's 1 Mile Performances

#218 World Ranked; #182 European Ranked


  View Martin's High Jump Performances

#275 World Ranked; #220 European Ranked


  View Martin's Pole Vault Performances

#134 World Ranked; #109 European Ranked


  View Martin's Long Jump Performances

#396 World Ranked; #292 European Ranked


  View Martin's Shot Put Performances

#413 World Ranked; #343 European Ranked


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