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MAWA Weekly Meet Ecac in Cannington, AUS on 2 May
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Dirk Schwandt (GER - M54) 8.45 - Shot Put (6kg)
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Doug Bonestroo, USA - M64

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Tino Mellmann, GER - M49

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2024 Outdoor Performances

  View Tino's Shot Put Performances

#52 World Ranked; #36 European Ranked


  View Tino's Discus Performances

#52 World Ranked; #42 European Ranked


  View Tino's Hammer Performances

#60 World Ranked; #53 European Ranked


  View Tino's Javelin Performances

#31 World Ranked; #25 European Ranked


  View Tino's Weight Performances


  View Tino's Throws Pentathlon Performances

2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Tino's High Jump Performances

#197 World Ranked; #149 European Ranked


  View Tino's Shot Put Performances

#208 World Ranked; #164 European Ranked


  View Tino's Discus Performances

#234 World Ranked; #178 European Ranked


  View Tino's Hammer Performances

#139 World Ranked; #117 European Ranked


  View Tino's Javelin Performances

#69 World Ranked; #50 European Ranked


  View Tino's Weight Performances

#102 World Ranked; #77 European Ranked


  View Tino's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#48 World Ranked; #38 European Ranked

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Tino's 100m Performances

#636 World Ranked; #373 European Ranked


  View Tino's 400m Performances

#498 World Ranked; #326 European Ranked


  View Tino's 1500m Performances

#821 World Ranked; #624 European Ranked


  View Tino's Sprint Hurdles Performances

#86 World Ranked; #48 European Ranked


  View Tino's High Jump Performances

#200 World Ranked; #136 European Ranked


  View Tino's Pole Vault Performances

#101 World Ranked; #77 European Ranked


  View Tino's Long Jump Performances

#279 World Ranked; #179 European Ranked


  View Tino's Shot Put Performances

#202 World Ranked; #153 European Ranked


  View Tino's Discus Performances

#222 World Ranked; #170 European Ranked


  View Tino's Hammer Performances

#147 World Ranked; #125 European Ranked


  View Tino's Javelin Performances

#80 World Ranked; #56 European Ranked


  View Tino's Weight Performances

#80 World Ranked; #66 European Ranked


  View Tino's Decathlon Performances

#14 World Ranked; #10 European Ranked


  View Tino's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#43 World Ranked; #34 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Tino's Shot Put Performances

#181 World Ranked; #156 European Ranked


  View Tino's Discus Performances

#256 World Ranked; #218 European Ranked


  View Tino's Hammer Performances

#123 World Ranked; #107 European Ranked


  View Tino's Javelin Performances

#42 World Ranked; #39 European Ranked


  View Tino's Weight Performances

#66 World Ranked; #56 European Ranked


  View Tino's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#38 World Ranked; #32 European Ranked

2020 Outdoor Performances

  View Tino's Shot Put Performances

#140 World Ranked; #124 European Ranked


  View Tino's Discus Performances

#152 World Ranked; #135 European Ranked


  View Tino's Hammer Performances

#112 World Ranked; #100 European Ranked


  View Tino's Javelin Performances

#42 World Ranked; #39 European Ranked


  View Tino's Weight Performances

#76 World Ranked; #66 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Tino's High Jump Performances

#301 World Ranked; #240 European Ranked


  View Tino's Pole Vault Performances

#149 World Ranked; #116 European Ranked


  View Tino's Long Jump Performances

#292 World Ranked; #219 European Ranked


  View Tino's Shot Put Performances

#320 World Ranked; #252 European Ranked


  View Tino's Discus Performances

#347 World Ranked; #285 European Ranked


  View Tino's Hammer Performances

#165 World Ranked; #139 European Ranked


  View Tino's Javelin Performances

#92 World Ranked; #80 European Ranked


  View Tino's Weight Performances

#95 World Ranked; #72 European Ranked


  View Tino's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#23 World Ranked; #17 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Tino's 100m Performances

#773 World Ranked; #520 European Ranked


  View Tino's 200m Performances

#586 World Ranked; #406 European Ranked


  View Tino's 1500m Performances

#953 World Ranked; #811 European Ranked


  View Tino's 3000m Performances

#955 World Ranked; #895 European Ranked


  View Tino's 5000m Performances

#974 World Ranked; #832 European Ranked


  View Tino's High Jump Performances

#195 World Ranked; #160 European Ranked


  View Tino's Pole Vault Performances

#143 World Ranked; #112 European Ranked


  View Tino's Long Jump Performances

#348 World Ranked; #252 European Ranked


  View Tino's Shot Put Performances

#322 World Ranked; #258 European Ranked


  View Tino's Discus Performances

#274 World Ranked; #212 European Ranked


  View Tino's Hammer Performances

#172 World Ranked; #147 European Ranked


  View Tino's Javelin Performances

#80 World Ranked; #66 European Ranked


  View Tino's Weight Performances

#93 World Ranked; #68 European Ranked


  View Tino's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#32 World Ranked; #24 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Tino's Shot Put Performances

#342 World Ranked; #260 European Ranked


  View Tino's Discus Performances

#352 World Ranked; #270 European Ranked


  View Tino's Hammer Performances

#183 World Ranked; #158 European Ranked


  View Tino's Javelin Performances

#89 World Ranked; #68 European Ranked


  View Tino's Weight Performances

#117 World Ranked; #85 European Ranked


  View Tino's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#45 World Ranked; #35 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Tino's 100m Performances

#798 World Ranked; #536 European Ranked


  View Tino's High Jump Performances

#307 World Ranked; #249 European Ranked


  View Tino's Pole Vault Performances

#144 World Ranked; #121 European Ranked


  View Tino's Long Jump Performances

#287 World Ranked; #221 European Ranked


  View Tino's Shot Put Performances

#378 World Ranked; #314 European Ranked


  View Tino's Discus Performances

#349 World Ranked; #296 European Ranked


  View Tino's Hammer Performances

#271 World Ranked; #232 European Ranked


  View Tino's Javelin Performances

#92 World Ranked; #71 European Ranked


  View Tino's Weight Performances

#105 World Ranked; #76 European Ranked


  View Tino's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#37 World Ranked; #23 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Tino's 100m Performances

#787 World Ranked; #588 European Ranked


  View Tino's 5000m Performances

#1302 World Ranked; #1207 European Ranked


  View Tino's Pole Vault Performances

#169 World Ranked; #141 European Ranked


  View Tino's Triple Jump Performances

#153 World Ranked; #107 European Ranked


  View Tino's Shot Put Performances

#277 World Ranked; #233 European Ranked


  View Tino's Discus Performances

#395 World Ranked; #339 European Ranked


  View Tino's Hammer Performances

#266 World Ranked; #238 European Ranked


  View Tino's Javelin Performances

#97 World Ranked; #84 European Ranked


  View Tino's Weight Performances

#103 World Ranked; #78 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Tino's Hammer Performances

#350 World Ranked; #305 European Ranked


  View Tino's Weight Performances

#74 World Ranked; #57 European Ranked


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