Dear Masters Athletics Family,
I hope you and your loved ones are healthy and safe during these challenging times. Our deep sympathies to family and friends of those who have passed. It is with great sadness that I confirm that the Toronto2020 WMA Stadia Championships is cancelled for July. It was hard to make this inevitable decision but especially for the LOC. They worked very hard and were striving to host the best championship ever for you. I thank and commend John Craig and his team.
We empathize with you and this disappointment but trust you agree that health is most important. Many of the masters’ athletes are in the high risk and vulnerable group of people by virtue of their age. So on medical grounds it was an ethical decision to cancel July and to work on postponing the Championships. We are hopeful that a championship can still be held in Toronto. It is a monumental task to re-organize, so it is much too early to know if it is possible. We will keep you informed.
For registered athletes it is important to know that WMA decided with the LOC to refund the registration fees through Simply Register. This was a huge work for Keith Lively, but all registrations have already been refunded. Refunds go back to the credit card the athletes used when they registered online. Athletes will receive a confirmation e-mail from the registration system when their registration is refunded. It’s very similar to their original registration confirmation, but it will say “refund” at the top and show their refund amount and the credit card it went to.
Again I wish you and your families all the best as we deal with this unprecedented global crisis.
Margit Jungmann
President of WMA
Sehr geehrte Frau Prsidentin, liebe Margit Jungmann,
zunchst vielen Dank fr Ihr unermdliches Engagement fr uns Seniorensportler. Ich habe mich erstmals in den letzten Tagen intensiver mit der WMA und den Inhalten der WEB-Seite befasst. Spontan habe ich mich nicht nur fr die “virtuellen Wettbewerbe” angemeldet, sondern auch meine Mitgliedschaft begrndet. Der Internetauftritt und die mhevolle Arbeit, die ich aus meiner langen “Leistungssportlaufbahn” beurteilen kann, haben mich sehr positiv und motivierend angesprochen. Auch meine Sportfreunde von der LG Kreis Ahrweiler/TV Sinzig habe ich berzeugt, dass die WMA Untersttzung verdient. Deshalb werden wir auch vom 18. Juli bis 2 August an der WMA-Challenge 2020 teilzunehmen.
Weiterhin viel Erfolg Ihnen und Ihrem Team.
Mit herzlichen Gren
Wolfgang Kownatka
Plz update about WMA 2021 Japan.
Hello, There is no WMA 2021 Japan. World Masters Athletics (WMA – click for website) is the official world governing body for Masters Athletics with upcoming Championships in Finland, 2021; Canada, 2022; Sweden, 2023.
WMA 2023 in Norway?. Great – where and when?
Sorry, mistakenly stated Norway. Meant Sweden (Göteborg).