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Recently Added Complete Competition Results:

Estonia vs. Finland - Throw... in Tallinn, EST on 21 Jul
Öresundsspelen in Helsingborg, SWE on 12 Jul
Aluemestaruuskilpailut in Seinäjoki, FIN on 21 Jul
Heinäkuun Heitot ja Hölkät in Parkano, FIN on 23 Jul
Kasttävling Veteraner in Stensjön, SWE on 19 Jul
Midgård Open 3 in Märsta, SWE on 13 Jul
Southern Athletics League -... in London, GBR on 14 Jul
7. VAD-ov Miting - Disk, Kr... in Ljubljana, SLO on 17 Jul
Southern Athletics League -... in Wormwood Scrubs, GBR on 14 Jul
Kasttävling 3 in Hässelby, SWE on 23 Jul


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Individual Results Recently Added:

Emma Maria Mazzenga (ITA - W90) 50.33 - 200 Meter
Mark Pinckard (CAN - M64) 2:16.47 - 800 Meter
Julien Henriet (FRA - M43) 42.60 - Hammer (7.26kg)
Mitsuaki Matsutani (JPN - M56) 11.06 - Shot Put (6kg)
Jerry Jönsson (SWE - M51) 33.21 - Hammer (6kg)
Michael Counsel (IRL - M58) 2:08.89 - 800 Meter
Sandrine Hennart (BEL - W51) 5.72 - Long Jump
Patrick Hauser (USA - M73) 37.89 - Discus (1kg)
Christophe Pellicot (FRA - M52) 11:12.17 - 3000 Meter
Petteri Soini (FIN - M60) 25.53 - 200 Meter


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Age Grading & Combined Event Scoring

Age Grading is an adjustment for a performance (time, height or distance) based on age – the older you are, the bigger the adjustment. The adjustment, known as an Age Grade Factor, is multiplied by the performance to get an Age Graded Performance so all times, heights or distances for each event by athletes from 20 to over 100 years old can be compared to each other! The Age Graded Performance is the equivalent to what the athlete would have done when they were in their 20s.

Click to read more on Age Grading and use Age Grading Calculator.

Click to download  Combined Events Scoring calculator (revised 22 August 2023).

Meet the Athletes

Franciszek Trzciński, POL - M62

Events & Results

Competes in: JT; SP; WT; DT; HT; WTPENT; ULTRA1;

Best Age Graded Performances:

  • 66.51% in WT
  • 66.43% in WT
  • 64.85% in WT
  • 64.46% in WT
  • 64.21% in JT
  • 64.15% in WT
  • 64.02% in JT
  • 63.81% in HT
  • 63.23% in WT
  • 63.16% in HT

Athletes in this section are selected randomly from members who have posted a photo and / or input a bio. 

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