World Masters Rankings helps
Striving to fill your needs and enhance your experience in Masters Athletics!
Many know how MastersRankings evolves, much based on athlete requests and feedback, to meet your needs. The two biggest, where do I stand and where do I compete, are the major focus for MastersRankings. The goal is to keep performances up-to-date so you can see how well you are doing and keep track of your competitors. Keeping the lists up-to-date is a huge undertaking but, as you can see in the By the Numbers section of this email, is improving immensely. This is much due to the growing number of people who are devoted to insert results which includes a growing number of your national statisticians – many thanks to all. Daily performances from the WMA Championships in Perth and Daegu were loaded within 12 hours of the competitions ending. This also happens with many other competitions like the World Masters Games (all available results have been inserted daily) and, this year, you’ll see more complete meet results loaded the same day of a meet. More meet organizers are becoming aware and want to help ensure results are in the rankings.
Get your membership now
See all the great performances as the outdoor season heats up
Want to see how your competition is doing? Want to know how athletes in South Africa, Australia and other countries south of the equator did this summer? You can if you are a member and logged in.
Benefits of having a MastersRankings’ membership:
More features are planned and will be added for members. Why only members? 100% of the contributions pay for running the site and this site wouldn’t exist without members’ support and generosity. Thank you MastersRankings’ Members!
Easy links to get membership:
Memberships can take up to 48 hours to activate. Please make sure you include enough information so I know whose membership I am activating (athlete name, age and nationality or forward your registration confirmation).
Upcoming Competitions
Many interesting meets and great travel destinations
The Upcoming Competitions is still in its infancy and needs meet organizers’ and your help to be a better resource. I will continue to think about and implement ways to make this effective. It is important to have a good, central resource with these competitions.
Many of you have said you really like the Upcoming Competition Promotions. It has been interesting working with these meet organizers and seeing how passionate they are about putting on great events for you. To reduce the number of communications you receive from me, I’ve put this month’s meet promotions lower in this newsletter.
I started throwing the javelin in my early teens and reached 50 meters at 19, winning a couple of County Championships (Norway). I was rubbish at any other event. I then went in the Army for 2 years, so very little throwing, – followed by 4 years in England studying Physiotherapy, during which I had a ‘partial subluxation’ of C2 on C3 (same level as Christopher Reeve/Superman) when landing on my head attempting gymnastics. The two vertebrae were fused together using steel wire and bone chips from my pelvis.
- 36,344 Performances Added (357 by Athletes)
- Representing 10,275 Athletes from 61 Countries
- 5,742 new athletes listed
- World Masters Games, NZL (through today)
- Campeonato de España Veteranos En Pista Cubierta, ESP
- Nsw Masters Championships, AUS
- Mawa State Championships, AUS
- Gauteng North Master Champs, RSA
- QMA T&f Championships, AUS
- Track & Field Meet, POL
- Texas State Senior Games, USA
- Nsw Country Championships, AUS
- Cgma Championships, RSA
- Romanian Masters National Indoor Championships, ROU
- Freestate Masters Meeting, RSA
- Swd Masters Athletics, RSA
National Masters News is more than just a Masters Track & Field results publication. In addition to all the great meet highlights, athlete focuses and meet results, the News also has training tips, human interest stories, Road Racing, Race Walking, Cross Country and more. Catch Carroll DeWeese’s “Fit with Fat”, Benita Lee’s “Master Your Health”, Paul Carlin’s USATF Club Cross Country Champions article, Jerry Bookin-Weiner’s Throwers Circle, Rex Harvey’s From the USATF MTF Chair and much more in this month’s issue.