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Championnats Départemantaux... in Bourg en Bresse, FRA on 15 Dec
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Caroline Jebet Korir (KEN - W30) 2:41:30.0h - Marathon
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Cameron Ivie, USA - M55

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Michaela Davis, GBR - W58

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2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Michaela's 100m Performances


  View Michaela's Long Jump Performances

#144 World Ranked; #95 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Shot Put Performances

#369 World Ranked; #247 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Discus Performances

#324 World Ranked; #205 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Michaela's 100m Performances

#443 World Ranked; #297 European Ranked


  View Michaela's 200m Performances


  View Michaela's High Jump Performances

#199 World Ranked; #159 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Pole Vault Performances

#54 World Ranked; #37 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Long Jump Performances

#324 World Ranked; #245 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Triple Jump Performances

#133 World Ranked; #94 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Shot Put Performances

#776 World Ranked; #568 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Discus Performances

#526 World Ranked; #380 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Hammer Performances

#306 World Ranked; #228 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Javelin Performances

#566 World Ranked; #399 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Michaela's 100m Performances


  View Michaela's 200m Performances


  View Michaela's 400m Performances

#357 World Ranked; #242 European Ranked


  View Michaela's 800m Performances

#459 World Ranked; #335 European Ranked


  View Michaela's 1 Mile Performances

#98 World Ranked; #65 European Ranked


  View Michaela's High Jump Performances

#194 World Ranked; #150 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Pole Vault Performances

#52 World Ranked; #35 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Long Jump Performances

#308 World Ranked; #229 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Triple Jump Performances

#111 World Ranked; #68 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Shot Put Performances

#731 World Ranked; #550 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Discus Performances

#444 World Ranked; #327 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Hammer Performances

#306 World Ranked; #223 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Javelin Performances

#527 World Ranked; #379 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Michaela's 100m Performances


  View Michaela's 200m Performances


  View Michaela's 400m Performances

#329 World Ranked; #218 European Ranked


  View Michaela's 800m Performances

#395 World Ranked; #268 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Steeplechase Performances

#47 World Ranked; #18 European Ranked


  View Michaela's High Jump Performances

#155 World Ranked; #116 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Pole Vault Performances

#41 World Ranked; #25 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Long Jump Performances

#196 World Ranked; #133 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Triple Jump Performances

#114 World Ranked; #69 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Shot Put Performances

#540 World Ranked; #346 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Discus Performances

#359 World Ranked; #225 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Javelin Performances

#469 World Ranked; #283 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Michaela's 100m Performances

#383 World Ranked; #235 European Ranked


  View Michaela's 200m Performances

#413 World Ranked; #260 European Ranked


  View Michaela's 400m Performances

#388 World Ranked; #261 European Ranked


  View Michaela's 800m Performances

#450 World Ranked; #331 European Ranked


  View Michaela's 1 Mile Performances

#85 World Ranked; #66 European Ranked


  View Michaela's High Jump Performances

#145 World Ranked; #116 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Pole Vault Performances

#34 World Ranked; #25 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Long Jump Performances

#259 World Ranked; #193 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Triple Jump Performances

#90 World Ranked; #60 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Shot Put Performances

#677 World Ranked; #519 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Discus Performances

#405 World Ranked; #298 European Ranked

2016 Indoor Performances

  View Michaela's Pole Vault Performances

#15 World Ranked; #14 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Michaela's 100m Performances


  View Michaela's 200m Performances


  View Michaela's 400m Performances

#396 World Ranked; #320 European Ranked


  View Michaela's 800m Performances

#566 World Ranked; #479 European Ranked


  View Michaela's 1500m Performances

#540 World Ranked; #466 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Long Hurdles Performances

#52 World Ranked; #44 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Steeplechase Performances

#38 World Ranked; #21 European Ranked


  View Michaela's High Jump Performances

#158 World Ranked; #141 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Pole Vault Performances

#44 World Ranked; #39 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Long Jump Performances

#392 World Ranked; #341 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Triple Jump Performances

#99 World Ranked; #76 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Shot Put Performances

#610 World Ranked; #545 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Discus Performances

#359 World Ranked; #309 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Hammer Performances

#220 World Ranked; #195 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Javelin Performances

#524 World Ranked; #447 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Michaela's 100m Performances

#171 World Ranked; #87 European Ranked


  View Michaela's 400m Performances

#256 World Ranked; #179 European Ranked


  View Michaela's 800m Performances

#337 World Ranked; #233 European Ranked


  View Michaela's 1500m Performances

#391 World Ranked; #297 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Steeplechase Performances

#33 World Ranked; #15 European Ranked


  View Michaela's High Jump Performances

#94 World Ranked; #69 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Pole Vault Performances

#40 World Ranked; #32 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Long Jump Performances

#171 World Ranked; #110 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Triple Jump Performances

#82 World Ranked; #56 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Shot Put Performances

#424 World Ranked; #324 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Discus Performances

#300 World Ranked; #221 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Hammer Performances

#237 World Ranked; #200 European Ranked


  View Michaela's Javelin Performances

#322 World Ranked; #233 European Ranked

2013 Outdoor Performances

  View Michaela's 100m Performances

#197 World Ranked; #126 European Ranked


  View Michaela's 200m Performances


  View Michaela's 400m Performances

#288 World Ranked; #211 European Ranked


  View Michaela's 800m Performances

#387 World Ranked; #289 European Ranked


  View Michaela's 3000m Performances

#452 World Ranked; #432 European Ranked


  View Michaela's High Jump Performances

#86 World Ranked; #72 European Ranked


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