EMAC 2019 & European Masters Athletics’ hospitality to welcome World Masters Rankings, also known as MastersRankings.com, to Venice clearly demonstrates their commitment to Masters Athletes. Thank you Kurt Kaschke, Helena Pires de Carvalho, Jean Thomas, Marta Rossi, Linda Interlandi, Moreno Beggio, and the EMAC team. MastersRankings is excited to meet all the athletes to hear how we and this site can serve you better.

Come to the Main Stadium

John Seto, of MastersRankings.com, is going to be in the main stadium in Jesolo from 8 September through 12 September exclusively to meet with you. John’s plan is to get to the stadium early and leave late. Meet with him to discuss and see anything you want including:

Contact MastersRankings.com in Venice

John will be connected. Please feel free to reach out anytime, schedule a meeting…whatever you need so MastersRankings serves you better.

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