Frequently Asked Questions

Most of the answers to questions you have regarding this site can be found below or on the Policies page.

Revised May 3, 2023

How do I get my performances listed in these rankings?

Click on Submit Results and fill out the form. Your mark will be instantly ranked.

How can I find myself on this site?

Click on Search for Athletes or type a part of your name in any Athlete Search box.

How do I correct performances?

Click on the performance! Times, heights, distances and scores are links to a form to report any issue, like incorrect performance or duplicate / misspelled athlete or competition. It is easy for you to use and lets us know exactly what needs to be checked / corrected.

How do I find a meet in which to compete?



I just competed in a meet. Will those results get loaded into the Rankings automatically?

Complete meet results are processed by volunteers and MastersRankings every day. Many results never make it into the lists so it is recommended that athletes submit their own. Click on Submit Results and fill out the form. Your mark will be instantly displayed on your profile and usually within an hour on the Rankings list.

My age is wrong on this site. How does that get corrected?

Click on one of your performances! Times, heights, distances and scores are links to a form to report any issue, like incorrect performance or duplicate / misspelled athlete or competition. It is easy for you to use and lets us know exactly what needs to be checked / corrected.

What are the percentages next to results?

They are Age Grades (Click for more about Age Grades). The Age Grades on this site, for athlete’s age, are calculated using the proposed 2023 WMA tables.

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