I am very happy to announce the appointment of Sandy Triolo as Chair of the newly formed Communications Subcommittee within the USATF Masters Track & Field Committee (MTF). Sandy is an enthusiastic and accomplished masters sprinter from Maryland who has been competing in MTF since 2012. She has extensive experience in information technology and new media. In 2015, she spearheaded the building out of a social media footprint for MTF which now reaches thousands of people daily.

Our goal is to create a wider and stronger communications environment within MTF as well as share our story as widely as possible with those who are unaware of our sport. Sandy is now forming a Communications Team that will be working together to promote MTF across multiple media platforms. The focus will be sharing the very special, welcoming, and exciting community of USATF MTF with the world. The Communication Team welcomes all positive ideas and input from the community which can be sent to usatfmasterstrack@gmail.com.

This is a unique and exciting opportunity to serve our existing athletes and to introduce our wonderful sport to many more people.

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