No World Masters Rankings in 2018.
You can help change that.

As of now, only 44% (about 52% with other promised grants and contributions) of the funding needed by October 31st has been raised. Contributions are the easiest way to ensure we meet the goal and only 3,000 minimum membership contributions will do it. That is 3,000 of the over 187,000 listed athletes and 370,000 site visitors – not a lot!  I’ve mentioned the site’s risk in p revious newsletters (JuneJuly) and some athletes have taken action (spread word and contributed) to help which has made a big difference. Thank you for the help and generosity.

Members can access special features like 2017 In-Progress, Age Graded and All-Time Rankings –Click for More Info.

What happened in Rankings this month
Inserting performances, including finding / converting complete meet results on websites, is done each month as I trust you all know. This section is devoted to the other major things I do each month so you can be better informed.

Hope it is clear to everyone how important fundraising is to this site. I and others are focusing on this much more because of the importance. Progress is being made with getting commitments from organizations, getting to prospective sponsors and developing fundraising programs.

MastersRankings in Toronto & Worchester

Thank you everyone who came to see me at the USATF Throws and NCCWMA  Championships. It is always great to get your feedback, show you things about the site that many miss, discuss how I can improve the site for you and introduce people who weren’t aware of the site. Missed seeing me and want to discuss something? Anyone can call or email anytime about anything.  I can be reached through Facebook Messenger,  Skype and Whatsapp.

What’s happening in Rankings next
Get caught up

Thank you to everyone who sent complete meet results, including national championships. While my to-do list is still immense, I plan on getting thousands of emails addressed and get caught up on the queue of results emailed and posted to the site.

Sunglasses & dri-fit t-shirt

You will be able to purchase both of these as part of a MastersRankings fundraiser! More details coming within the next few weeks. Are you looking forward to getting yours?

Ranked Athlete Spotlight

This month’s athlete spotlight is a little different by featuring the future NCCWMA leader and a glimpse of his vision for the future. Leading a WMA region is daunting and thankless to many partially because the next leader has big shoes to fill following Brian Keaveney and Sandy Pashkin. I have the privilege of knowing more about these jobs than most Masters Athletes and am really grateful we have so many people like Brian and Sandy (and thousands of others) who work tirelessly and selflessly so we can compete. Thank you from all of us for your dedication to our sport.

By the Numbers & Meet Results.
Since Last Report:

  • 59,180 Performances Added (434 by Athletes)
  • Representing 17,448 Athletes from 107 Countries
  • 3,199 new athletes listed

WMA Regional Championships results in rankings:

Sample of Complete Meet Results Added:

Up-to-date rankings lists from Canada, United Kingdom and Italy (almost finished) were also inserted this month.
Notable Newly Entered Performances in the Rankings:
Inês Henriques, POR Iaaf World Championships In Athletics, GBR 4:05:56.0h in W35 50000 Meter Race Walk
Arild Busterud, NOR European Masters Athletics Championships Stadia, DEN 21.67 in M65 Weight Throw (20 Lb)
Romolo Pelliccia, ITA 3 Prova Cds Marcia Fase Interregionale, ITA 58:45.97 in M80 10000 Meter Race Walk
Kathryn Martin, USA North & Central America & Caribbean World Masters Athletics Championships, CAN 5:25.65 in W65 1500 Meter Run
Guido Müller, GER European Masters Athletics Championships Stadia, DEN 53.99 in M75 300 Meter Hurdles
Mihaela Loghin, ROU European Masters Athletics Championships Stadia, DEN 13.08 in W65 Shot Put (3 Kg)
Angela Copson, GBR Midland Veterans’ League Division East, GBR 5:53.9h in W70 1500 Meter Run
Yohann Diniz, FRA Iaaf World Championships In Athletics, GBR 3:33:12.0h in M35 50000 Meter Race Walk
Karla Del Grande, CAN Ontario Masters Championships, CAN 28.69 in W60 200 Meter Dash
Curt Davison, USA Missouri State Senior Games, USA 10.46 in M90 50 Meter Dash
Joy Upshaw, USA Los Gatos All Comers, USA 9.79 in W55 60 Meter Hurdles
Andrew Justason, CAN East Coast Games, CAN 4778 in M45 Decathlon
Antonio Nacca, ITA Meeting Regionale – 27° Trofeo Dellamodarme, ITA 20:54.0h in M90 3000 Meter Run
Hilja Bakhoff, EST European Masters Athletics Championships Stadia, DEN 8.08 in W90 Weight Throw (4 Kg)
Rietje Dijkman, NED European Masters Athletics Championships Stadia, DEN 1.20 in W75 High Jump
Anthony Whiteman, GBR Trafford Grand Prix, GBR 1:49.86 in M45 800 Meter Run
Earl Fee, CAN North & Central America & Caribbean World Masters Athletics Championships, CAN 1:24.22 in M85 400 Meter Run
Micah Snodgrass, USA Montana Big Sky Games, USA 404 in M65 Pentathlon
Ty Brown, USA North & Central America & Caribbean World Masters Athletics Championships, CAN 13.17 in M70 80 Meter Hurdles
Carol Lafayette-Boyd, CAN North & Central America & Caribbean World Masters Athletics Championships, CAN 14.96 in W75 100 Meter Dash
Dr. Eberhard Linke, GER European Masters Athletics Championships Stadia, DEN 5.05 in M70 Long Jump
Michael Hoffer, SWE European Masters Athletics Championships Stadia, DEN 7424 in M45 Decathlon
Susan Frisby, GBR European Masters Athletics Championships Stadia, DEN 48.74 in W55 300 Meter Hurdles
Marco Segatel, ITA Campionati Italiani Individuali Su Pista Master, ITA 1.91 in M55 High Jump
Elena Pagu, ROU European Masters Athletics Championships Stadia, DEN 1:32:25.0h in W90 10000 Meter Race Walk
Mireille Tonizzo-Kosmala, LUX European Masters Athletics Championships Stadia, DEN 14.16 in W45 Weight Throw (20 Lb)
Sue Yeomans, GBR European Masters Athletics Championships Stadia, DEN 2.75 in W60 Pole Vault
Peter Daw, GBR BMAF Pentathlon Championships, GBR 2306 in M70 Pentathlon

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New All-American gear coming

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