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Twilight Throwers 2024 Chel... in Chelmsford, USA on 21 Jul
Sindelfinger Hammerwirbel (3) in Sindelfingen, GER on 17 Jul
Kastfemkamp in Valö, SWE on 21 Jul

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Michael Harvey Jr (USA - M49) 6.52 - 50 Meter
Donald Groubert (USA - M64) 6.93 - Shot Put (5kg)
Saara Harju (FIN - W41) 15.04 - 100 Meter

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Koichi Naka, JPN - M51

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Age Grading is an adjustment for a performance (time, height or distance) based on age so all times, heights or distances for each event by athletes from 20 to over 100 years old can be compared to each other! 

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2023 Outdoor Women's Heptathlon Rankings (in progress)

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