This site is very dynamic. Most of you are aware that many performances, often thousands, are added every week. You may not be aware that many improvements are also made weekly (most are not obvious). This page is where you can see what major improvements / changes have been made and estimated completion percentage of World & WMA Regional Rankings lists.

World Rankings List Status:

Member’s Access Week – November 23 – November 30

What everyone can do (all of the links below are in the menus or on your information box when you are logged in *):

In case you didn’t know, most of what can be a link is! We’ve tried to make this site easy to navigate and have incorporated countless, intuitive links. Athletes’ names are links to their profile. Meet information links to results and more. Age groups and event names are links to the respective list (in rankings most of the time).

All-Time Lists

Updated November 22, 2017

All-Time Lists page is a work in progress. Merging of performances gathered from outside sources is almost done. Merging includes making gathered information fully compatible with MastersRankings’ system and correcting name spelling. Incorrect spellings or birth dates often result in duplicate athletes. There are many more name corrections and athlete combining to be done. Please help by clicking on the performance (time, height, distance or score). This will open a correction request form and provide us with a link to the athlete’s information. Please be specific what is the issue.

Thousands can be listed for many events since millions of performances are available. Please consider whether it will be meaningful to display all available performances as it will be difficult, if not impossible, to compile historical performances with the same level of depth as are currently compiled.

What do you think:

  • What events should be listed?
  • How many performances should be listed?
  • What makes performances eligible?

Please provide your feedback and suggestions for the All-Time lists below or send private comments here.

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