Get More Out of This Site
This page was created to help anyone get more from this site and do it faster. Much of the information available on this site is cross-referenced using links. This page has many links too! We strived to keep the site clutter free with succinct, intuitive links enabling you to get to what you want in fewer mouse clicks. Please take some time to read this page and use it to get more from the site.
Click on it!
Much of the text on this site is a link to lists, information or pages. Virtually every athlete’s name is a link to their profile (see below). Each athlete profile, competition result and list has a header with an age group and event. These are links to respective, top 50 rankings lists. For example, a female athlete’s profile has a list heading below 2022 Outdoor Performances with W65 and 800 Meter Run. W65 is a link to the 2022 Outdoor Women’s 65 – 69 Top 50 Rankings for 50m through 5000m Walk (the full range of W65 events contested outdoors in 2022). 800 Meter Run is a link to the 2011 Outdoor Women’s 800 Top 50 Rankings for W30 through W90 (the full range of age groups contesting that year).

My results are not listed
Click here then complete the form (make sure you do not click on Yes where asked whether you are submitting for another athlete if you are submitting your own performance – it will delay your listing). Your performance(s) will be instantly listed on your profile. Rankings lists are usually updated within 10 minutes. Your rankings numbers on your profile will be updated within 24 hours (automatically updated once a day). The form can also be used to submit performances for other athletes but they are not instantly listed. Form is also accessible by clicking on Submit Results or Submit Performances buttons or links in several places including at top of each page.
I found an error or need a correction
Click on a time, height, distance or score affiliated with any issue like incorrect performance, duplicate / misspelled athlete or competition, incorrect competition date, etc. – they are links to the report error form which make it easy for you to report and for us to correct!
Athlete’s Profile

This page includes the athlete’s known performances, rank and links to the related rankings lists (see above), respective competition results, their photo and bio (if applicable – where members have posted) and show only one event.
How to View Different Lists
Changing the list you are viewing is done by changing the pulldown selections then click View [page name] List to see a different list. Lists are available for Outdoor (Stadia – contested on a track or in field), Indoor (contested indoors – note: oversized track performances are included in Outdoor lists), Road (Non-Stadia – contested on road) or Combined (Members’ feature – Indoor and Outdoor – unofficial rankings).
Lists can be selected for Worldwide and WMA Region. While lists for individual countries can be selected, only Australia and US lists are official National Rankings. You can compare two regions or countries on several lists by making the selections in both pulldowns.
About the Lists
There are links to respective rankings lists (see above) on most other lists like Athletes’ Profiles and Competition Results. Accessible in the main navigation bar by clicking on Rankings or holding mouse over Rankings then clicking Rankings. Also accessible by clicking on Rankings menu at top of each page and Rankings button near the bottom of each page.
Members can set the default list that appears when they first come to the site. People logged in first see the list for their age group. All others see the M50 Outdoor (stadia) list for the previous year.
Competition Results
This is a searchable list of all the meetings represented in this site. It is accessible by holding mouse over either Performances or Competitions then clicking Competition Results. Click on competition name and location to view all performances in this system.
Note: competition results on this site are not official meet results.
Age Best Performances
Best performances for each age, some call single age records, are listed on this page. It can be accessed by holding mouse over Rankings then clicking on Age Best Performances.
All-Time Rankings
Top 100 best all time for each age group and event are listed on this page. It can be accessed by holding mouse over Rankings then clicking on All-Time Rankings.
Age Graded Rankings
Listing of performances in order of Age Grades for each event. Access by holding mouse over Rankings then clicking on Age Graded Rankings.
My Watchlist
It can be accessed by holding mouse over Rankings then clicking on My Watchlist.All Performances
This site includes all performances we can gather, not just the best. They are all listed on this page. Access by holding mouse over Rankings then clicking on All Performances.