Have news people want to see?  Send it to us and we’ll post it to this news site.  National Masters News & MastersRankings.com strive to help our sport.  We are thrilled to be working together to fill a need within Masters Athletics, aka Track & Field, to provide you with news, upcoming meet alerts, athlete spotlights, WMA & Affiliates’ notifications and other fun posts which we hope will enhance your experiences plus help our sport grow and thrive.

National Masters News and MastersRankings.com have worked closely together for over 10 years and have assembled a team tasked with providing interesting and informative articles. These posters understand the mission to serve Masters Athletes.  We are humbled they have volunteered to help us strive to exceed your expectations.

Our sport is a niche – with only hundreds of thousands of worldwide participants.  We are very fortunate to have all the officials, volunteers, meet organizers and organizations support our sport.  The vast majority of this sport is underfunded and would not exist without them.  Our competitions demand an immense amount of work and are costly.  Most youth, college and open competitions have better funding due to the number of participants and sponsorships.  Not so for Masters!  This site will further help our sport thrive and overcome funding challenges.

WMA, Regions (essentially continents) & Affiliates (national organizations) do fantastic things for us athletes (yes, both Amanda and John are masters athletes!).  This site is available for all of them to help disseminate information, promote competitions and grow our sport.  Masters Athletes want to compete and have fun – we think WMA and all related organizations provide those opportunities for athletes of all capabilities.  We are just starting to work with representatives from these organizations and are really hopeful to work with all regions and affiliates through this site.

We hope you love this news feed and welcome your requests, suggestions, comments and complaints – all of these will help us improve and further enhance your Masters’ experience.

What to Expect:

  • We strive to keep the site fresh by posting one or two articles daily.
  • Our posts will be about Masters Track & Field / Athletics, athletes, competitions and organizations who support our sport plus news related to our sport.
  • This news feed will help our sport by promoting competitions and help organizations supporting our sport communicate with Masters Athletes
  • Comments to posts are encouraged and appreciated.  We strongly believe that everyone’s opinions are worth listening to and strive to provide that forum.  Anonymous, unrelated and derogatory comments will not be allowed.
  • As it evolves, the site will become cleaner, faster and increasingly user-friendly (more below).
  • Photographers and others who support our sport will be recognized and we will do our part to help them with their missions & businesses.

This news site is on MastersRankings.com because the rankings are visited by tens of thousands each month. Your feedback, suggestions and help are welcomed and essential.

We’ve listened to complaints about slow, cluttered, confusing sites rife with problems like inaccurate information, broken links, etc. and aim to address that.  This news feed is the beginning of the rankings site revamp. The goal is to have pages with less narrative, easy to find information and links to useful sources.  MastersRankings.com will be fully transitioned this year and other sites will also be improved over coming months.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve this sport,

Amanda Scotti, National Masters News & John Seto, MastersRankings.com

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