This site is very dynamic. Most of you are aware that many performances, often thousands, are added every week. You may not be aware that many improvements are also made weekly (most are not obvious). This page is where you can see what major improvements / changes have been made and estimated completion percentage of World & WMA Regional Rankings lists.
World Rankings List Status:
Member’s Access Week – November 23 – November 30
What everyone can do (all of the links below are in the menus or on your information box when you are logged in *):
- View all rankings lists
- View age graded rankings lists
- View all-time best performance lists (under development – see below)
- View all performances – there are almost 1.5 million in this system. Some people like to look at all performances and compare.
- View your 2017 rankings summary on your profile page (click on your name wherever it appears).
- Post a picture, bio (see John Seto’s picture / bio example), set preferences (click to access – you must be logged in to use)
In case you didn’t know, most of what can be a link is! We’ve tried to make this site easy to navigate and have incorporated countless, intuitive links. Athletes’ names are links to their profile. Meet information links to results and more. Age groups and event names are links to the respective list (in rankings most of the time).
All-Time Lists
Updated November 22, 2017
All-Time Lists page is a work in progress. Merging of performances gathered from outside sources is almost done. Merging includes making gathered information fully compatible with MastersRankings’ system and correcting name spelling. Incorrect spellings or birth dates often result in duplicate athletes. There are many more name corrections and athlete combining to be done. Please help by clicking on the performance (time, height, distance or score). This will open a correction request form and provide us with a link to the athlete’s information. Please be specific what is the issue.
Thousands can be listed for many events since millions of performances are available. Please consider whether it will be meaningful to display all available performances as it will be difficult, if not impossible, to compile historical performances with the same level of depth as are currently compiled.
What do you think:
- What events should be listed?
- How many performances should be listed?
- What makes performances eligible?
Please provide your feedback and suggestions for the All-Time lists below or send private comments here.
Please add the Super Weight and Ultra Weight
Pentathlon. Over time more people will do these worldwide because they are do much fun!
Thanks for your consideration.
Hello Kathy, hope you are doing great. Super-Weight and Ultra-Weight are listed events!
For 55-59 high jump women all time rankings there are two lists, one with one athlete and all the other athletes in the other list.
Hello Dinah, hope all is great with you. Thank you for letting me know. This is corrected. Sorry for the trouble.
Can you drill down the all time lists into Regional and Country all time?
Hello Ross, hope you are doing great. The All-Time lists are a work in progress. For the moment, viewing Regional and Country are not available. Hope to have that in the foreseeable future as we gather more historic performances.
W55 All Time 5000RW — the #1 Navarro is an error. That was a run, not a RW.
Hello Michael, hope you are doing great. Thank you for letting me know. In the future, please click on the height, time, distance or score – they are links to the report error form which make it easy for you to report and for me to correct (I did this on your behalf for this). It is in my queue to address. My apologies in advance for the delayed action.
When will be able to submit our distances for this season outdoor meets do you have any idea?
Hello Gyna, hope you are doing great. Sorry that the submission form has been unavailable. The much improved form should be available shortly.
still no listings for
48th Annual
Ontario Masters Championships
June 22-23, 2019
Varsity Stadium
Hello Tim, hope you are doing great. Thank you for submitting the link to the meet results. Sorry for the delay getting them listed. You submitted around when I was just getting programs that process results rewritten. Am working on getting other programs for administrative functions redone while trying to get through the very large queue of results, like these to convert and process.
Every time I click on the link for the ranking awards that I earned, the error message below keeps popping up.
Sorry, this function (1-AwardsOF) is temporarily unavailable. It should be restored by June 20, 2019.
I also have asked this same question, but I never get an answer. When will my paid membership for the coming year show on the website as paid.
Thank you John Seto…Hope all is well with you, Sir.
Hello Bill, hope you are doing great. I looked through all of the questions you have asked and not one is about a contribution you made less than 3 hours ago updating on the site ( answers your question – within 48 hours but yours is already updated). Looks like you were sent a response within hours of all communications received from you including several within 15 minutes.
300m hurdles on all time list for age 60-64 shows a time of 2 seconds. An obvious error…
Will the all-time list for the 50m and 60m dash eventually be added?
Hello Jeffery, we will add any event when / if we can get a good historical record of results. For example, we will add if people have researched 60m performances throughout the decades, compiled a meaningful list and provided to us.
Hi, Happy new year 2022.
Thanks for the great job with the Masters rankings.
Could you please review the 5000m Race Walk there is a very large number of recent results for Spanish athletes that I believe are for a Running Race.
Best regards,
Hello Colin, hope you, your family and friends are well and safe. We submitted this on your behalf using the Contact Us form so it is in our queue of things to address. Updates and notification when corrected will be done via email.
I don’t can check my 2022 competition.
Can you help.Thanks 👍
Hello Laimis, hope you, your family and friends are well and safe. We presume you want to look at the 2022 Rankings lists. These are available only to MastersRankings members. Click here ( to get more information and get a membership. Did you make a contribution within the past 12 months and it doesn’t appear to be logged? Please send us the information, like a confirmation, so we can track it down.
Hi I just competed in a men’s high jump competition and jumped 1.80m. It was the first time I jumped in a long time but I want to know what I would rank and how to compete at the World Masters in North Carolina in 2023.