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Campionato Xunta de Galicia... in Santiago de Compostela, ESP on 4 May
Cds Sammarinese in Serravalle, SMR on 27 Apr
3. Zehlendorfer Werfertag u... in Berlin-Zehlendorf, GER on 4 May

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Ivan Garaj (SRB - M26) 42.74 - Discus (2kg)
Victor Cerulus Gallego (ESP - M34) 5.93 - Long Jump
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Rod Powell, USA - M67

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Lisa Boyd, GBR - W52

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Lisa's 100m Performances


  View Lisa's 200m Performances

#404 World Ranked; #296 European Ranked


  View Lisa's 800m Performances

#409 World Ranked; #344 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Sprint Hurdles Performances


  View Lisa's Long Jump Performances

#420 World Ranked; #348 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Shot Put Performances

#597 World Ranked; #488 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Discus Performances

#451 World Ranked; #365 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Hammer Performances

#330 World Ranked; #276 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Javelin Performances

#288 World Ranked; #239 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Weight Performances

#124 World Ranked; #86 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Pentathlon Performances

#17 World Ranked; #11 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#72 World Ranked; #50 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Lisa's 100m Performances


  View Lisa's 200m Performances

#427 World Ranked; #309 European Ranked


  View Lisa's 400m Performances

#367 World Ranked; #288 European Ranked


  View Lisa's 800m Performances

#423 World Ranked; #355 European Ranked


  View Lisa's 1500m Performances

#443 World Ranked; #380 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Sprint Hurdles Performances


  View Lisa's Long Jump Performances

#394 World Ranked; #312 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Shot Put Performances

#593 World Ranked; #486 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Discus Performances

#415 World Ranked; #341 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Hammer Performances

#296 World Ranked; #245 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Javelin Performances

#308 World Ranked; #246 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Pentathlon Performances

#8 World Ranked; #6 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Lisa's 100m Performances


  View Lisa's 200m Performances

#346 World Ranked; #220 European Ranked


  View Lisa's 800m Performances

#350 World Ranked; #283 European Ranked


  View Lisa's 1500m Performances

#428 World Ranked; #355 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Long Jump Performances

#342 World Ranked; #249 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Shot Put Performances

#510 World Ranked; #380 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Discus Performances

#390 World Ranked; #272 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Hammer Performances

#274 World Ranked; #218 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Javelin Performances

#270 World Ranked; #193 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Lisa's 100m Performances


  View Lisa's 100m Performances


  View Lisa's 800m Performances

#523 World Ranked; #442 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Sprint Hurdles Performances


  View Lisa's Sprint Hurdles Performances


  View Lisa's Long Jump Performances

#438 World Ranked; #356 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Shot Put Performances

#765 World Ranked; #637 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Discus Performances

#539 World Ranked; #445 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Discus Performances

#553 World Ranked; #454 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Hammer Performances

#291 World Ranked; #243 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Hammer Performances

#310 World Ranked; #255 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Javelin Performances

#561 World Ranked; #456 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Javelin Performances

#459 World Ranked; #371 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Lisa's 100m Performances


  View Lisa's 200m Performances


  View Lisa's 800m Performances

#531 World Ranked; #457 European Ranked


  View Lisa's 1 Mile Performances

#70 World Ranked; #55 European Ranked


  View Lisa's 3000m Performances

#545 World Ranked; #523 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Shot Put Performances

#715 World Ranked; #632 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Discus Performances

#534 World Ranked; #481 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Hammer Performances

#312 World Ranked; #278 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Javelin Performances

#467 World Ranked; #407 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Lisa's 100m Performances


  View Lisa's 200m Performances


  View Lisa's 400m Performances

#225 World Ranked; #157 European Ranked


  View Lisa's 800m Performances

#268 World Ranked; #206 European Ranked


  View Lisa's 1500m Performances

#310 World Ranked; #258 European Ranked


  View Lisa's 3000m Performances

#348 World Ranked; #337 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Long Hurdles Performances

#51 World Ranked; #33 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Long Jump Performances

#260 World Ranked; #183 European Ranked


  View Lisa's Shot Put Performances

#443 World Ranked; #349 European Ranked


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