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Régionaux Masters in Villeneuve d'Ascq, FRA on 8 May
Campionato Xunta de Galicia... in Santiago de Compostela, ESP on 4 May
Inter Clubs Seniors 974 in L'Etang Sale, FRA on 5 May

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Emily Grove (USA - W30) 4.45 - Pole Vault
Rikkoi Brathwaite (IVB - M25) 10.03 - 100 Meter
Steve Boyer (USA - M77) 1:23.25 - 400 Meter

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Vicki Fox, USA - W65

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Michael Kingsbury, GBR - M58

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2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 200m Performances

#643 World Ranked; #366 European Ranked


  View Michael's 800m Performances

#381 World Ranked; #276 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#188 World Ranked; #137 European Ranked


  View Michael's 3000m Performances

#88 World Ranked; #81 European Ranked


  View Michael's 5000m Performances

#183 World Ranked; #150 European Ranked

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 100m Performances


  View Michael's 400m Performances

#327 World Ranked; #193 European Ranked


  View Michael's 800m Performances

#416 World Ranked; #282 European Ranked


  View Michael's 3000m Performances

#214 World Ranked; #188 European Ranked


  View Michael's Long Jump Performances

#445 World Ranked; #254 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 100m Performances

#591 World Ranked; #342 European Ranked


  View Michael's 400m Performances

#255 World Ranked; #166 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#271 World Ranked; #219 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1 Mile Performances

#56 World Ranked; #49 European Ranked


  View Michael's 3000m Performances

#127 World Ranked; #115 European Ranked


  View Michael's Discus Performances

#697 World Ranked; #492 European Ranked

2020 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#106 World Ranked; #92 European Ranked


  View Michael's 3000m Performances

#66 World Ranked; #54 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 800m Performances

#431 World Ranked; #325 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#330 World Ranked; #258 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1 Mile Performances

#52 World Ranked; #42 European Ranked


  View Michael's 3000m Performances

#145 World Ranked; #126 European Ranked


  View Michael's 5000m Performances

#225 World Ranked; #186 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 800m Performances

#363 World Ranked; #279 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#443 World Ranked; #345 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1 Mile Performances

#33 World Ranked; #23 European Ranked


  View Michael's 3000m Performances

#156 World Ranked; #144 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 200m Performances

#667 World Ranked; #347 European Ranked


  View Michael's 800m Performances

#300 World Ranked; #215 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#191 World Ranked; #151 European Ranked


  View Michael's 3000m Performances

#61 World Ranked; #52 European Ranked


  View Michael's 10000m Performances

#51 World Ranked; #44 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 800m Performances

#542 World Ranked; #410 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#200 World Ranked; #158 European Ranked


  View Michael's 3000m Performances

#152 World Ranked; #141 European Ranked


  View Michael's 5000m Performances

#70 World Ranked; #60 European Ranked


  View Michael's 10000m Performances

#45 World Ranked; #38 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 100m Performances


  View Michael's 200m Performances


  View Michael's 400m Performances

#670 World Ranked; #513 European Ranked


  View Michael's 800m Performances

#378 World Ranked; #285 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#509 World Ranked; #445 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#359 World Ranked; #296 European Ranked


  View Michael's 3000m Performances

#164 World Ranked; #152 European Ranked


  View Michael's 3000m Performances

#58 World Ranked; #52 European Ranked


  View Michael's 10000m Performances

#31 World Ranked; #26 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 800m Performances

#321 World Ranked; #224 European Ranked


  View Michael's 3000m Performances

#176 World Ranked; #165 European Ranked

2013 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#247 World Ranked; #208 European Ranked


  View Michael's 3000m Performances

#150 World Ranked; #142 European Ranked


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