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Throws Coach Florida Fall M... in Sarasota, USA on 23 Nov
Xxix Maratona E Mezza Marat... in Palermo, ITA on 17 Nov
21 K Nuevo Leon in Monterrey, MEX on 17 Nov

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Eric Cornelius (USA - M48) 1:35.08 - 400 Meter
Vanesa Del Rio (ESP - W41) 1:22:27.0h - Half Marathon
Kenny Gonzales (PHI - M32) 54.41 - Javelin (800g)

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Jim Collins, USA - M79

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Michael Sas, GBR - M44

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2024 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 400m Performances


  View Michael's 800m Performances


  View Michael's 1500m Performances


  View Michael's 1 Mile Performances


  View Michael's 3000m Performances


  View Michael's 5000m Performances


  View Michael's Steeplechase Performances


  View Michael's Shot Put Performances

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#747 World Ranked; #590 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1 Mile Performances

#177 World Ranked; #139 European Ranked


  View Michael's 3000m Performances

#617 World Ranked; #576 European Ranked


  View Michael's 5000m Performances

#726 World Ranked; #589 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#746 World Ranked; #643 European Ranked


  View Michael's 5000m Performances

#844 World Ranked; #763 European Ranked


  View Michael's Triple Jump Performances

#160 World Ranked; #124 European Ranked

2020 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 3000m Performances

#386 World Ranked; #356 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 100m Performances


  View Michael's 800m Performances

#470 World Ranked; #373 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#729 World Ranked; #584 European Ranked


  View Michael's 3000m Performances

#590 World Ranked; #559 European Ranked


  View Michael's 5000m Performances

#749 World Ranked; #612 European Ranked


  View Michael's Steeplechase Performances

#182 World Ranked; #138 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 200m Performances


  View Michael's 800m Performances

#745 World Ranked; #642 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#1022 World Ranked; #913 European Ranked


  View Michael's 3000m Performances

#1149 World Ranked; #1117 European Ranked


  View Michael's 5000m Performances

#1139 World Ranked; #1025 European Ranked


  View Michael's Steeplechase Performances

#15 World Ranked; #14 European Ranked


  View Michael's High Jump Performances

#405 World Ranked; #344 European Ranked


  View Michael's Pole Vault Performances

#260 World Ranked; #226 European Ranked


  View Michael's Triple Jump Performances

#277 World Ranked; #227 European Ranked


  View Michael's Discus Performances

#819 World Ranked; #701 European Ranked


  View Michael's Javelin Performances

#779 World Ranked; #658 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 100m Performances


  View Michael's 200m Performances


  View Michael's 400m Performances

#700 World Ranked; #556 European Ranked


  View Michael's 800m Performances

#512 World Ranked; #447 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#815 World Ranked; #732 European Ranked


  View Michael's 3000m Performances

#832 World Ranked; #793 European Ranked


  View Michael's 5000m Performances

#1061 World Ranked; #965 European Ranked


  View Michael's Long Hurdles Performances

#183 World Ranked; #153 European Ranked


  View Michael's Steeplechase Performances

#182 World Ranked; #168 European Ranked


  View Michael's High Jump Performances

#419 World Ranked; #369 European Ranked


  View Michael's Long Jump Performances

#639 World Ranked; #539 European Ranked


  View Michael's Triple Jump Performances

#242 World Ranked; #197 European Ranked


  View Michael's Shot Put Performances

#836 World Ranked; #740 European Ranked


  View Michael's Hammer Performances

#516 World Ranked; #474 European Ranked


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