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Nottinghamshire and Derbysh... in Derby, GBR on 11 May
Finale Interclubs R1/R2 in La Fleche, FRA on 12 May
West Wales Regional Athleti... in Swansea, GBR on 12 May

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Atte Björklund (FIN - M41) 36:27.0h - 10000 Meter
Georg Dunkel (FIN - M78) 16.47 - 100 Meter
Mesud Pezer (BIH - M29) 20.93 - Shot Put (7.26kg)

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Ken Nakamura, USA - M71

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Paul Johnson, GBR - M61

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#202 World Ranked; #154 European Ranked

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#363 World Ranked; #269 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#120 World Ranked; #82 European Ranked


  View Paul's 3000m Performances

#151 World Ranked; #132 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#247 World Ranked; #201 European Ranked


  View Paul's 3000m Performances

#150 World Ranked; #136 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 800m Performances

#302 World Ranked; #213 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#188 World Ranked; #141 European Ranked


  View Paul's 3000m Performances

#93 World Ranked; #87 European Ranked


  View Paul's 5000m Performances

#189 World Ranked; #149 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 800m Performances

#279 World Ranked; #199 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#162 World Ranked; #123 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1 Mile Performances

#25 World Ranked; #16 European Ranked


  View Paul's 3000m Performances

#58 World Ranked; #50 European Ranked


  View Paul's 5000m Performances

#195 World Ranked; #167 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 800m Performances

#230 World Ranked; #157 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#350 World Ranked; #271 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#174 World Ranked; #118 European Ranked


  View Paul's 3000m Performances

#260 World Ranked; #236 European Ranked


  View Paul's 5000m Performances

#187 World Ranked; #141 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#563 World Ranked; #445 European Ranked


  View Paul's 3000m Performances

#461 World Ranked; #434 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 800m Performances

#829 World Ranked; #640 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#641 World Ranked; #528 European Ranked


  View Paul's 3000m Performances

#430 World Ranked; #399 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 800m Performances

#360 World Ranked; #241 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#525 World Ranked; #367 European Ranked


  View Paul's 3000m Performances

#246 World Ranked; #218 European Ranked

2013 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 800m Performances

#458 World Ranked; #326 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#480 World Ranked; #372 European Ranked


  View Paul's 3000m Performances

#291 World Ranked; #263 European Ranked


  View Paul's 5000m Performances

#435 World Ranked; #364 European Ranked


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