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2eme Tour Interclubs Reg Fi... in Bernay, FRA on 11 May
Finale Interclubs Régionale... in Smarves, FRA on 12 May
Buckinghamshire & Oxfor... in Oxford, GBR on 11 May

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Katherine Vande Pol (USA - W30) 2:11.09 - 800 Meter
Kateryna Shastun (UKR - W26) 36.11 - Javelin (600g)
Fabien Posteaux (FRA - M40) 7.43 - Shot Put (7.26kg)

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Angela Herzner, USA - W49

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Paul Young, GBR - M68

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 800m Performances

#620 World Ranked; #361 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 100m Performances


  View Paul's 200m Performances

#583 World Ranked; #303 European Ranked


  View Paul's 400m Performances

#499 World Ranked; #278 European Ranked


  View Paul's 800m Performances

#447 World Ranked; #280 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#497 World Ranked; #335 European Ranked


  View Paul's 3000m Performances

#299 World Ranked; #252 European Ranked


  View Paul's Shot Put Performances

#865 World Ranked; #574 European Ranked


  View Paul's Discus Performances

#909 World Ranked; #592 European Ranked


  View Paul's Hammer Performances

#462 World Ranked; #339 European Ranked


  View Paul's Javelin Performances

#769 World Ranked; #500 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 100m Performances


  View Paul's 200m Performances


  View Paul's 400m Performances

#424 World Ranked; #220 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#322 World Ranked; #202 European Ranked


  View Paul's 3000m Performances

#153 World Ranked; #133 European Ranked


  View Paul's Shot Put Performances

#698 World Ranked; #425 European Ranked


  View Paul's Discus Performances

#764 World Ranked; #435 European Ranked


  View Paul's Javelin Performances

#615 World Ranked; #347 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 100m Performances


  View Paul's 200m Performances


  View Paul's 800m Performances

#424 World Ranked; #279 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#395 World Ranked; #293 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1 Mile Performances

#87 World Ranked; #54 European Ranked


  View Paul's Long Jump Performances

#509 World Ranked; #305 European Ranked


  View Paul's Shot Put Performances

#911 World Ranked; #638 European Ranked


  View Paul's Discus Performances

#930 World Ranked; #622 European Ranked


  View Paul's Javelin Performances

#766 World Ranked; #507 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 400m Performances

#619 World Ranked; #381 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#615 World Ranked; #481 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 3000m Performances

#206 World Ranked; #163 European Ranked

2013 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 100m Performances


  View Paul's 400m Performances

#393 World Ranked; #195 European Ranked


  View Paul's 800m Performances

#411 World Ranked; #252 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#465 World Ranked; #314 European Ranked


  View Paul's 3000m Performances

#262 World Ranked; #234 European Ranked


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