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Österreichische Meisterscha... in Maria Enzersdorf, AUT on 9 May
Santa Cruz Throws Club Meet... in Santa Cruz, USA on 11 May
Championnats Interclubs Dép... in Ocquerre, FRA on 1 May

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Live Solheimdal (NOR - W27) 33:19.43 - 10000 Meter
Dale Klay (USA - M76) 10.34 - Shot Put (4kg)
Christian Reich (GER - M56) 25.83 - Discus (1.5kg)

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Mark King, USA - M65

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Paul Woodgate, GBR - M49

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#863 World Ranked; #729 European Ranked


  View Paul's 3000m Performances

#710 World Ranked; #663 European Ranked


  View Paul's Steeplechase Performances

#228 World Ranked; #196 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#891 World Ranked; #763 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1 Mile Performances

#208 World Ranked; #165 European Ranked


  View Paul's 3000m Performances

#672 World Ranked; #639 European Ranked


  View Paul's 5000m Performances

#769 World Ranked; #674 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 800m Performances

#680 World Ranked; #557 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#765 World Ranked; #652 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1 Mile Performances

#185 World Ranked; #149 European Ranked


  View Paul's 3000m Performances

#699 World Ranked; #674 European Ranked


  View Paul's 5000m Performances

#601 World Ranked; #520 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 100m Performances


  View Paul's 200m Performances


  View Paul's 400m Performances

#878 World Ranked; #636 European Ranked


  View Paul's 800m Performances

#846 World Ranked; #708 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#948 World Ranked; #819 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1 Mile Performances

#196 World Ranked; #148 European Ranked


  View Paul's 3000m Performances

#812 World Ranked; #781 European Ranked


  View Paul's 5000m Performances

#840 World Ranked; #763 European Ranked


  View Paul's Steeplechase Performances

#266 World Ranked; #221 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 200m Performances


  View Paul's 800m Performances

#854 World Ranked; #739 European Ranked


  View Paul's 1500m Performances

#1073 World Ranked; #953 European Ranked


  View Paul's 3000m Performances

#759 World Ranked; #704 European Ranked


  View Paul's 5000m Performances

#1155 World Ranked; #1070 European Ranked


  View Paul's Steeplechase Performances

#5 World Ranked; #5 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's 800m Performances

#487 World Ranked; #343 European Ranked


  View Paul's 3000m Performances

#380 World Ranked; #354 European Ranked


  View Paul's 5000m Performances

#595 World Ranked; #495 European Ranked


  View Paul's Steeplechase Performances

#26 World Ranked; #23 European Ranked


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