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Standard Charterd X Hong Ko... in Hong Kong, HKG on 17 Nov
Championnat Lancers Longs 7... in Bonneville, FRA on 23 Nov
Top Flight By Runthrough - ... in London, GBR on 17 Nov

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Ruppert van Dongen (AUS - M50) 37:37.9h - 5000m Race Walk
Kenneth Vuong (AUS - M34) 11.23 - 100 Meter
Selah Busienei (KEN - W32) 1:13:19.0h - Half Marathon

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Clayton Dennis, USA - M62

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Nathanael Roth, GER

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Nathanael's 100m Performances

#710 World Ranked; #475 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's 400m Performances

#546 World Ranked; #406 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's 1500m Performances

#1072 World Ranked; #894 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Sprint Hurdles Performances

#128 World Ranked; #88 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's High Jump Performances

#133 World Ranked; #107 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Pole Vault Performances

#115 World Ranked; #91 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Long Jump Performances

#342 World Ranked; #250 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Shot Put Performances

#190 World Ranked; #152 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Discus Performances

#228 World Ranked; #185 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Javelin Performances

#117 World Ranked; #100 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Nathanael's 100m Performances

#725 World Ranked; #491 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's 400m Performances

#570 World Ranked; #430 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's 1500m Performances

#1095 World Ranked; #919 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Sprint Hurdles Performances

#110 World Ranked; #80 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's High Jump Performances

#148 World Ranked; #122 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Pole Vault Performances

#129 World Ranked; #98 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Long Jump Performances

#349 World Ranked; #253 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Shot Put Performances

#226 World Ranked; #180 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Discus Performances

#253 World Ranked; #197 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Javelin Performances

#183 World Ranked; #145 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Nathanael's 100m Performances

#826 World Ranked; #554 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's 400m Performances

#650 World Ranked; #473 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's 1500m Performances

#1202 World Ranked; #1013 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Sprint Hurdles Performances

#139 World Ranked; #106 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's High Jump Performances

#199 World Ranked; #157 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Pole Vault Performances

#116 World Ranked; #95 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Long Jump Performances

#559 World Ranked; #438 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Shot Put Performances

#357 World Ranked; #297 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Discus Performances

#379 World Ranked; #321 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Javelin Performances

#245 World Ranked; #200 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Nathanael's 100m Performances

#828 World Ranked; #602 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's 400m Performances

#713 World Ranked; #567 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's 1500m Performances

#982 World Ranked; #879 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Sprint Hurdles Performances

#178 World Ranked; #149 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's High Jump Performances

#260 World Ranked; #223 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Pole Vault Performances

#167 World Ranked; #141 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Long Jump Performances

#522 World Ranked; #431 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Shot Put Performances

#313 World Ranked; #271 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Discus Performances

#481 World Ranked; #425 European Ranked


  View Nathanael's Javelin Performances

#253 World Ranked; #217 European Ranked


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