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Campionato Xunta de Galicia... in Santiago de Compostela, ESP on 4 May
Championnats Départementaux... in Vesoul, FRA on 4 May
Humber Open Series Meeting 2 in Hull, GBR on 4 May

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Nele Weike (GER - W25) 9:57.98 - 3000 Meter
Harumi Horikawa (JPN - M28) 5.24 - Pole Vault
Eleni Kozaniti (GRE - W28) 7:39.54 - 2000m Steeplechase

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John Campbell, NZL - M60

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Andrew Freeman, GBR - M47

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Andrew's 400m Performances

#610 World Ranked; #418 European Ranked


  View Andrew's 1500m Performances

#576 World Ranked; #458 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Steeplechase Performances

#149 World Ranked; #117 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Discus Performances

#782 World Ranked; #575 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Hammer Performances

#509 World Ranked; #399 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Javelin Performances

#424 World Ranked; #300 European Ranked

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Andrew's Steeplechase Performances

#88 World Ranked; #75 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Hammer Performances

#435 World Ranked; #367 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Javelin Performances

#574 World Ranked; #418 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Andrew's 800m Performances

#523 World Ranked; #434 European Ranked


  View Andrew's 1500m Performances

#697 World Ranked; #600 European Ranked


  View Andrew's 3000m Performances

#777 World Ranked; #731 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Hammer Performances

#306 World Ranked; #258 European Ranked

2020 Outdoor Performances

  View Andrew's 800m Performances

#212 World Ranked; #193 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Andrew's 200m Performances


  View Andrew's 400m Performances

#509 World Ranked; #372 European Ranked


  View Andrew's 800m Performances

#520 World Ranked; #433 European Ranked


  View Andrew's 1500m Performances

#579 World Ranked; #497 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Sprint Hurdles Performances


  View Andrew's Long Hurdles Performances

#92 World Ranked; #69 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Steeplechase Performances

#152 World Ranked; #138 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Javelin Performances

#471 World Ranked; #365 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Andrew's 1500m Performances

#768 World Ranked; #668 European Ranked


  View Andrew's 5000m Performances

#887 World Ranked; #770 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Steeplechase Performances

#159 World Ranked; #148 European Ranked


  View Andrew's High Jump Performances

#290 World Ranked; #240 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Javelin Performances

#515 World Ranked; #421 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Andrew's 800m Performances

#284 World Ranked; #236 European Ranked


  View Andrew's 1500m Performances

#348 World Ranked; #309 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Steeplechase Performances

#157 World Ranked; #132 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Shot Put Performances

#911 World Ranked; #734 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Discus Performances

#786 World Ranked; #609 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Hammer Performances

#404 World Ranked; #335 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Javelin Performances

#379 World Ranked; #277 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Andrew's 800m Performances

#636 World Ranked; #545 European Ranked


  View Andrew's 1500m Performances

#724 World Ranked; #658 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Steeplechase Performances

#231 World Ranked; #220 European Ranked


  View Andrew's High Jump Performances

#299 World Ranked; #253 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Javelin Performances

#467 World Ranked; #387 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Andrew's 800m Performances

#406 World Ranked; #355 European Ranked


  View Andrew's 1500m Performances

#428 World Ranked; #385 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Long Hurdles Performances

#131 World Ranked; #109 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Steeplechase Performances

#2 World Ranked; #1 European Ranked


  View Andrew's High Jump Performances

#300 World Ranked; #258 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Hammer Performances

#436 World Ranked; #399 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Javelin Performances

#495 World Ranked; #429 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Andrew's 800m Performances

#184 World Ranked; #140 European Ranked


  View Andrew's 1500m Performances

#219 World Ranked; #182 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Long Hurdles Performances

#95 World Ranked; #57 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Steeplechase Performances

#97 World Ranked; #83 European Ranked


  View Andrew's High Jump Performances

#157 World Ranked; #108 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Hammer Performances

#399 World Ranked; #348 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Javelin Performances

#258 World Ranked; #192 European Ranked

2013 Outdoor Performances

  View Andrew's 800m Performances

#194 World Ranked; #151 European Ranked


  View Andrew's 1500m Performances

#298 World Ranked; #260 European Ranked


  View Andrew's High Jump Performances

#152 World Ranked; #121 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Long Jump Performances

#342 World Ranked; #261 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Discus Performances

#399 World Ranked; #315 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Hammer Performances

#221 World Ranked; #186 European Ranked


  View Andrew's Javelin Performances

#245 World Ranked; #190 European Ranked


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