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Verona Run Half Marathon in Verona, ITA on 17 Nov
Top Flight By Runthrough - ... in London, GBR on 17 Nov
2024 Kamloops Twilight Hamm... in Kamloops, CAN on 17 Nov

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Theresa Bartlett (NZL - W55) 20.99 - Javelin (500g)
Jacob Cocks (AUS - M30) 30:37.20 - 10000 Meter
Michael Hogan (USA - M70) 2.45 - Pole Vault

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Jan Söderström, SWE - M82

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Michael Gutfleisch, GER

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2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 100m Performances

#774 World Ranked; #402 European Ranked


  View Michael's 400m Performances

#631 World Ranked; #398 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#904 World Ranked; #623 European Ranked


  View Michael's Sprint Hurdles Performances

#189 World Ranked; #111 European Ranked


  View Michael's High Jump Performances

#283 World Ranked; #187 European Ranked


  View Michael's Pole Vault Performances

#206 World Ranked; #149 European Ranked


  View Michael's Long Jump Performances

#419 World Ranked; #249 European Ranked


  View Michael's Shot Put Performances

#973 World Ranked; #702 European Ranked


  View Michael's Discus Performances

#825 World Ranked; #567 European Ranked


  View Michael's Javelin Performances

#610 World Ranked; #422 European Ranked


  View Michael's Decathlon Performances

#41 World Ranked; #30 European Ranked

2023 Indoor Performances

  View Michael's 60m Performances

#309 World Ranked; #225 European Ranked


  View Michael's 200m Performances

#229 World Ranked; #174 European Ranked


  View Michael's 400m Performances

#150 World Ranked; #117 European Ranked


  View Michael's Long Jump Performances

#131 World Ranked; #103 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 100m Performances

#652 World Ranked; #400 European Ranked


  View Michael's 400m Performances

#580 World Ranked; #411 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#829 World Ranked; #627 European Ranked


  View Michael's Sprint Hurdles Performances

#128 World Ranked; #87 European Ranked


  View Michael's High Jump Performances

#243 World Ranked; #173 European Ranked


  View Michael's Pole Vault Performances

#175 World Ranked; #136 European Ranked


  View Michael's Long Jump Performances

#346 World Ranked; #239 European Ranked


  View Michael's Shot Put Performances

#648 World Ranked; #493 European Ranked


  View Michael's Discus Performances

#505 World Ranked; #364 European Ranked


  View Michael's Javelin Performances

#405 World Ranked; #299 European Ranked


  View Michael's Decathlon Performances

#38 World Ranked; #26 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 100m Performances

#792 World Ranked; #486 European Ranked


  View Michael's 200m Performances

#697 World Ranked; #434 European Ranked


  View Michael's 400m Performances

#517 World Ranked; #355 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#934 World Ranked; #697 European Ranked


  View Michael's High Jump Performances

#296 World Ranked; #223 European Ranked


  View Michael's Pole Vault Performances

#241 World Ranked; #180 European Ranked


  View Michael's Long Jump Performances

#241 World Ranked; #175 European Ranked


  View Michael's Shot Put Performances

#999 World Ranked; #757 European Ranked


  View Michael's Discus Performances

#805 World Ranked; #586 European Ranked


  View Michael's Javelin Performances

#704 World Ranked; #518 European Ranked

2019 Indoor Performances

  View Michael's 60m Performances

#369 World Ranked; #298 European Ranked


  View Michael's 400m Performances

#161 World Ranked; #137 European Ranked


  View Michael's Long Jump Performances

#145 World Ranked; #122 European Ranked


  View Michael's Shot Put Performances

#277 World Ranked; #225 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Michael's 100m Performances

#802 World Ranked; #525 European Ranked


  View Michael's 400m Performances

#611 World Ranked; #435 European Ranked


  View Michael's 1500m Performances

#1013 World Ranked; #835 European Ranked


  View Michael's Pole Vault Performances

#209 World Ranked; #176 European Ranked


  View Michael's Long Jump Performances

#516 World Ranked; #393 European Ranked


  View Michael's Shot Put Performances

#899 World Ranked; #738 European Ranked


  View Michael's Discus Performances

#609 World Ranked; #486 European Ranked


  View Michael's Javelin Performances

#586 World Ranked; #462 European Ranked


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