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MAWA Weekly Meet ECAC in Cannington, AUS on 6 Feb
IVSM Mångkamp in Nyköping, SWE on 8 Feb
Werpersmeeting Opsinjoor in Mechelen, BEL on 16 Feb

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Gordon Britton (GBR - M52) 8.34 - 60 Meter
David Shortridge (GBR - M54) 8.79 - 60 Meter
Madeleine Simmons (AUS - W42) 6.46 - Shot Put (4kg)

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Patrick Freeman, GBR - M70

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Sharon Darling, GBR - W57

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Sharon's High Jump Performances

#149 World Ranked; #100 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Hammer Performances

#387 World Ranked; #266 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Javelin Performances

#446 World Ranked; #280 European Ranked

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Sharon's High Jump Performances

#163 World Ranked; #119 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Triple Jump Performances

#134 World Ranked; #85 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Discus Performances

#513 World Ranked; #343 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Hammer Performances

#394 World Ranked; #289 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Javelin Performances

#465 World Ranked; #328 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Sharon's High Jump Performances

#156 World Ranked; #122 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Long Jump Performances

#227 World Ranked; #164 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Triple Jump Performances

#92 World Ranked; #63 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Shot Put Performances

#463 World Ranked; #357 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Discus Performances

#372 World Ranked; #288 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Hammer Performances

#287 World Ranked; #228 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Javelin Performances

#320 World Ranked; #251 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Sharon's High Jump Performances

#213 World Ranked; #168 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Long Jump Performances

#290 World Ranked; #224 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Shot Put Performances

#728 World Ranked; #533 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Discus Performances

#619 World Ranked; #443 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Hammer Performances

#399 World Ranked; #299 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Javelin Performances

#476 World Ranked; #334 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Sharon's 100m Performances


  View Sharon's High Jump Performances

#196 World Ranked; #151 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Long Jump Performances

#372 World Ranked; #268 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Shot Put Performances

#679 World Ranked; #512 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Discus Performances

#532 World Ranked; #391 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Hammer Performances

#336 World Ranked; #247 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Javelin Performances

#425 World Ranked; #302 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Sharon's 100m Performances


  View Sharon's 1500m Performances

#396 World Ranked; #331 European Ranked


  View Sharon's High Jump Performances

#199 World Ranked; #154 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Long Jump Performances

#352 World Ranked; #256 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Shot Put Performances

#576 World Ranked; #439 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Discus Performances

#448 World Ranked; #321 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Hammer Performances

#307 World Ranked; #247 European Ranked


  View Sharon's Javelin Performances

#452 World Ranked; #320 European Ranked


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