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Standard Charterd X Hong Ko... in Hong Kong, HKG on 17 Nov
Actma Track & Field in Canberra, AUS on 21 Nov
2024 Kamloops Twilight Hamm... in Kamloops, CAN on 17 Nov

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Koichi Ando (JPN - M29) 11.03 - 100 Meter
Dale Klay (USA - M77) 11.07 - Shot Put (4kg)
Laura Jylkkälau (FIN - W44) 19:51.0h - 5000 Meter

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Dan O'Keefe, USA - M58

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Dr. Paul H. Günther Herzberg, GER - M75

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Dr.'s 100m Performances

#309 World Ranked; #135 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s 400m Performances

#239 World Ranked; #109 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s 1500m Performances

#302 World Ranked; #151 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Sprint Hurdles Performances

#43 World Ranked; #25 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s High Jump Performances

#126 World Ranked; #69 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Pole Vault Performances

#77 World Ranked; #36 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Long Jump Performances

#132 World Ranked; #66 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Shot Put Performances

#505 World Ranked; #304 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Discus Performances

#560 World Ranked; #318 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Javelin Performances

#362 World Ranked; #211 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Decathlon Performances

#19 World Ranked; #13 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Dr.'s Sprint Hurdles Performances

#65 World Ranked; #33 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Pole Vault Performances

#77 World Ranked; #43 European Ranked

2020 Outdoor Performances

  View Dr.'s 100m Performances

#125 World Ranked; #79 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s 400m Performances

#83 World Ranked; #46 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Sprint Hurdles Performances

#21 World Ranked; #13 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s High Jump Performances

#60 World Ranked; #36 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Pole Vault Performances

#34 World Ranked; #17 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Long Jump Performances

#67 World Ranked; #45 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Shot Put Performances

#273 World Ranked; #202 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Discus Performances

#307 World Ranked; #221 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Javelin Performances

#167 World Ranked; #118 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Decathlon Performances

#7 World Ranked; #5 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Dr.'s 100m Performances

#407 World Ranked; #214 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s 200m Performances

#504 World Ranked; #252 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s 400m Performances

#247 World Ranked; #139 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s 1500m Performances

#525 World Ranked; #320 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s 1500m Performances

#292 World Ranked; #176 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Sprint Hurdles Performances

#48 World Ranked; #24 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s High Jump Performances

#123 World Ranked; #74 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Pole Vault Performances

#62 World Ranked; #31 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Long Jump Performances

#321 World Ranked; #205 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Long Jump Performances

#209 World Ranked; #121 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Shot Put Performances

#510 World Ranked; #331 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Discus Performances

#776 World Ranked; #501 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Discus Performances

#540 World Ranked; #312 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Javelin Performances

#249 World Ranked; #153 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Decathlon Performances

#20 World Ranked; #15 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Dr.'s High Jump Performances

#265 World Ranked; #152 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Pole Vault Performances

#113 World Ranked; #69 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Shot Put Performances

#671 World Ranked; #439 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Discus Performances

#740 World Ranked; #461 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Javelin Performances

#583 World Ranked; #362 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Dr.'s 100m Performances

#492 World Ranked; #246 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s 200m Performances

#428 World Ranked; #215 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s 400m Performances

#378 World Ranked; #212 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Sprint Hurdles Performances

#51 World Ranked; #17 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Long Hurdles Performances

#62 World Ranked; #29 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s High Jump Performances

#233 World Ranked; #129 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Pole Vault Performances

#88 World Ranked; #50 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Long Jump Performances

#244 World Ranked; #145 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Shot Put Performances

#689 World Ranked; #473 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Discus Performances

#784 World Ranked; #515 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Javelin Performances

#323 World Ranked; #217 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Decathlon Performances

#23 World Ranked; #13 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Dr.'s 100m Performances

#453 World Ranked; #241 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s 400m Performances

#374 World Ranked; #202 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Sprint Hurdles Performances

#56 World Ranked; #29 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s High Jump Performances

#162 World Ranked; #99 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Pole Vault Performances

#101 World Ranked; #54 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Long Jump Performances

#250 World Ranked; #150 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Shot Put Performances

#577 World Ranked; #395 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Discus Performances

#672 World Ranked; #444 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Javelin Performances

#438 World Ranked; #288 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Decathlon Performances

#33 World Ranked; #21 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Dr.'s 100m Performances

#341 World Ranked; #133 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s 400m Performances

#258 World Ranked; #121 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s 1500m Performances

#323 World Ranked; #149 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Sprint Hurdles Performances

#33 World Ranked; #16 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s High Jump Performances

#122 World Ranked; #60 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Pole Vault Performances

#86 World Ranked; #39 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Long Jump Performances

#215 World Ranked; #99 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Shot Put Performances

#388 World Ranked; #190 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Discus Performances

#457 World Ranked; #214 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Javelin Performances

#315 World Ranked; #141 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Decathlon Performances

#17 World Ranked; #14 European Ranked

2013 Outdoor Performances

  View Dr.'s 100m Performances

#398 World Ranked; #170 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s 400m Performances

#326 World Ranked; #159 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s 1500m Performances

#430 World Ranked; #270 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Sprint Hurdles Performances

#59 World Ranked; #33 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s High Jump Performances

#177 World Ranked; #82 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Pole Vault Performances

#110 World Ranked; #56 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Long Jump Performances

#294 World Ranked; #140 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Shot Put Performances

#498 World Ranked; #287 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Discus Performances

#500 World Ranked; #251 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Javelin Performances

#346 World Ranked; #182 European Ranked


  View Dr.'s Decathlon Performances

#20 World Ranked; #11 European Ranked

2011 Outdoor Performances

  View Dr.'s 100m Performances


  View Dr.'s 400m Performances


  View Dr.'s Sprint Hurdles Performances


  View Dr.'s High Jump Performances


  View Dr.'s Pole Vault Performances


  View Dr.'s Long Jump Performances


  View Dr.'s Shot Put Performances


  View Dr.'s Discus Performances


  View Dr.'s Javelin Performances


  View Dr.'s Decathlon Performances

2009 Outdoor Performances

  View Dr.'s 100m Performances


  View Dr.'s 400m Performances


  View Dr.'s 1500m Performances


  View Dr.'s Sprint Hurdles Performances


  View Dr.'s High Jump Performances


  View Dr.'s Pole Vault Performances


  View Dr.'s Long Jump Performances


  View Dr.'s Shot Put Performances


  View Dr.'s Discus Performances


  View Dr.'s Javelin Performances


  View Dr.'s Decathlon Performances

2007 Outdoor Performances

  View Dr.'s 100m Performances


  View Dr.'s 400m Performances


  View Dr.'s Sprint Hurdles Performances


  View Dr.'s High Jump Performances


  View Dr.'s Pole Vault Performances


  View Dr.'s Long Jump Performances


  View Dr.'s Shot Put Performances


  View Dr.'s Discus Performances


  View Dr.'s Javelin Performances


  View Dr.'s Decathlon Performances

2005 Outdoor Performances

  View Dr.'s 100m Performances


  View Dr.'s 400m Performances


  View Dr.'s 1500m Performances


  View Dr.'s Sprint Hurdles Performances


  View Dr.'s High Jump Performances


  View Dr.'s Pole Vault Performances


  View Dr.'s Long Jump Performances


  View Dr.'s Shot Put Performances


  View Dr.'s Discus Performances


  View Dr.'s Javelin Performances


  View Dr.'s Decathlon Performances

2003 Outdoor Performances

  View Dr.'s 100m Performances


  View Dr.'s 400m Performances


  View Dr.'s 1500m Performances


  View Dr.'s Sprint Hurdles Performances


  View Dr.'s High Jump Performances


  View Dr.'s Pole Vault Performances


  View Dr.'s Long Jump Performances


  View Dr.'s Shot Put Performances


  View Dr.'s Discus Performances


  View Dr.'s Javelin Performances


  View Dr.'s Decathlon Performances


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