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Chpts Départ. 44 Lancers Lo... in Saint Julien de Concelles, FRA on 23 Nov
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Marjeta ÄŒad (SLO - W76) 18.07 - Discus (0.75kg)
Abdullahi Hassan (NOR - M29) 31:22.0h - 10000 Meter
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Paul Sutcliffe, AUS - M64

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Patricia Speedie, GBR - W54

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Patricia's 200m Performances

#406 World Ranked; #256 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 400m Performances

#283 World Ranked; #200 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 800m Performances

#270 World Ranked; #204 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 1500m Performances

#302 World Ranked; #238 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 3000m Performances

#149 World Ranked; #126 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Javelin Performances

#591 World Ranked; #407 European Ranked

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Patricia's 200m Performances


  View Patricia's 400m Performances

#242 World Ranked; #175 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 800m Performances

#187 World Ranked; #140 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 1500m Performances

#170 World Ranked; #134 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 3000m Performances

#80 World Ranked; #71 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 5000m Performances

#94 World Ranked; #68 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Javelin Performances

#545 World Ranked; #377 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Patricia's 200m Performances


  View Patricia's 400m Performances

#168 World Ranked; #134 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 800m Performances

#176 World Ranked; #153 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 1500m Performances

#152 World Ranked; #132 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 1 Mile Performances

#31 World Ranked; #28 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 3000m Performances

#71 World Ranked; #66 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 5000m Performances

#80 World Ranked; #75 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Long Jump Performances

#195 World Ranked; #142 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Javelin Performances

#365 World Ranked; #284 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Patricia's 100m Performances

#505 World Ranked; #362 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 200m Performances

#394 World Ranked; #287 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 400m Performances

#269 World Ranked; #215 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 800m Performances

#282 World Ranked; #233 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 1500m Performances

#276 World Ranked; #241 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 1 Mile Performances

#57 World Ranked; #47 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 3000m Performances

#185 World Ranked; #173 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 5000m Performances

#157 World Ranked; #137 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Long Jump Performances

#351 World Ranked; #291 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Shot Put Performances

#747 World Ranked; #621 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Discus Performances

#566 World Ranked; #465 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Javelin Performances

#478 World Ranked; #394 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Patricia's 100m Performances

#475 World Ranked; #341 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 200m Performances


  View Patricia's 400m Performances

#274 World Ranked; #211 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 800m Performances

#227 World Ranked; #192 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 1500m Performances

#249 World Ranked; #214 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 3000m Performances

#194 World Ranked; #189 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Long Jump Performances

#328 World Ranked; #263 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Shot Put Performances

#751 World Ranked; #622 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Discus Performances

#585 World Ranked; #478 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Javelin Performances

#475 World Ranked; #382 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Patricia's 200m Performances


  View Patricia's 400m Performances

#309 World Ranked; #227 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 800m Performances

#249 World Ranked; #206 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 1500m Performances

#288 World Ranked; #244 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Long Jump Performances

#295 World Ranked; #214 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Shot Put Performances

#611 World Ranked; #465 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Discus Performances

#473 World Ranked; #344 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Javelin Performances

#456 World Ranked; #324 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Patricia's 100m Performances


  View Patricia's 200m Performances


  View Patricia's 400m Performances

#358 World Ranked; #289 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 800m Performances

#366 World Ranked; #306 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 1500m Performances

#312 World Ranked; #267 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 3000m Performances

#216 World Ranked; #205 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Long Jump Performances

#382 World Ranked; #316 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Shot Put Performances

#797 World Ranked; #682 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Discus Performances

#580 World Ranked; #478 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Javelin Performances

#531 World Ranked; #433 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Patricia's 200m Performances


  View Patricia's 400m Performances

#399 World Ranked; #324 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 400m Performances

#369 World Ranked; #301 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 1500m Performances

#378 World Ranked; #325 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Long Jump Performances

#438 World Ranked; #380 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Long Jump Performances

#406 World Ranked; #353 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Shot Put Performances

#790 World Ranked; #703 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Shot Put Performances

#770 World Ranked; #692 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Discus Performances

#567 World Ranked; #509 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Discus Performances

#563 World Ranked; #491 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Javelin Performances

#558 World Ranked; #492 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Javelin Performances

#517 World Ranked; #440 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Patricia's 200m Performances


  View Patricia's 400m Performances

#234 World Ranked; #164 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 800m Performances

#280 World Ranked; #217 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 1500m Performances

#341 World Ranked; #285 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 3000m Performances

#310 World Ranked; #300 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Long Jump Performances

#238 World Ranked; #167 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Shot Put Performances

#466 World Ranked; #369 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Javelin Performances

#350 World Ranked; #282 European Ranked

2013 Outdoor Performances

  View Patricia's 200m Performances


  View Patricia's 400m Performances

#319 World Ranked; #246 European Ranked


  View Patricia's 3000m Performances

#312 World Ranked; #306 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Long Jump Performances

#245 World Ranked; #196 European Ranked


  View Patricia's Shot Put Performances

#517 World Ranked; #437 European Ranked


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