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Resultattävling Vikt in Varberg, SWE on 14 Dec
Rise and Shine - Winter All... in Mesa, USA on 14 Dec
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Vincenzo Marinelli (ITA - M78) 8.37 - Shot Put (4kg)
Franco Kauder (GER - M47) 6.17 - Weight Throw (15.88kg)
Robert Fabian (SWE - M51) 10.61 - Shot Put (6kg)

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Steve Dibernardo, USA - M72

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Ingo Kubelt, GER

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2024 Outdoor Performances

  View Ingo's Shot Put Performances


  View Ingo's Discus Performances


  View Ingo's Hammer Performances


  View Ingo's Javelin Performances


  View Ingo's Weight Performances


  View Ingo's Throws Pentathlon Performances

2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Ingo's Shot Put Performances

#321 World Ranked; #229 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Discus Performances

#419 World Ranked; #282 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Hammer Performances

#122 World Ranked; #89 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Javelin Performances

#480 World Ranked; #337 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Weight Performances

#134 World Ranked; #100 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#72 World Ranked; #56 European Ranked

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Ingo's Shot Put Performances

#372 World Ranked; #235 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Discus Performances

#338 World Ranked; #214 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Hammer Performances

#162 World Ranked; #114 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Javelin Performances

#585 World Ranked; #406 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Weight Performances

#169 World Ranked; #121 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#114 World Ranked; #87 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Ingo's Shot Put Performances

#363 World Ranked; #248 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Discus Performances

#340 World Ranked; #228 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Hammer Performances

#119 World Ranked; #89 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Javelin Performances

#422 World Ranked; #309 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Weight Performances

#169 World Ranked; #120 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#99 World Ranked; #78 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Ingo's Shot Put Performances

#488 World Ranked; #357 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Discus Performances

#597 World Ranked; #426 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Hammer Performances

#266 World Ranked; #200 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Javelin Performances

#716 World Ranked; #527 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Weight Performances

#196 World Ranked; #140 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#129 World Ranked; #91 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Ingo's Shot Put Performances

#254 World Ranked; #186 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Discus Performances

#316 World Ranked; #214 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Hammer Performances

#277 World Ranked; #209 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Javelin Performances

#638 World Ranked; #483 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Ingo's Shot Put Performances

#365 World Ranked; #263 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Discus Performances

#649 World Ranked; #471 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Hammer Performances

#459 World Ranked; #370 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Javelin Performances

#662 World Ranked; #486 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Ingo's Shot Put Performances

#459 World Ranked; #397 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Discus Performances

#669 World Ranked; #568 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Hammer Performances

#469 World Ranked; #405 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Javelin Performances

#780 World Ranked; #673 European Ranked


  View Ingo's Weight Performances

#197 World Ranked; #146 European Ranked


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