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IX. Ročník Memoriálu Barnab... in Dolný Kubín, SVK on 14 Dec
Gavlehovspelen Indoor in Gävle, SWE on 14 Dec
Rise and Shine - Winter All... in Mesa, USA on 14 Dec

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Hugo Lopez (URU - M87) 2.79 - Javelin (400g)
Fríða Rún Þórðardóttir (ISL - W54) 1:19.32 - 400 Meter
Bertil Ljungqvist (SWE - M70) 1.46 - High Jump

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Gary Parkinson, AUS - M57

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Alec Taylor, GBR - M52

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2024 Outdoor Performances

  View Alec's Javelin Performances

2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Alec's Discus Performances

#777 World Ranked; #534 European Ranked


  View Alec's Hammer Performances

#606 World Ranked; #452 European Ranked


  View Alec's Javelin Performances

#437 World Ranked; #300 European Ranked

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Alec's High Jump Performances

#299 World Ranked; #196 European Ranked


  View Alec's Long Jump Performances

#509 World Ranked; #286 European Ranked


  View Alec's Shot Put Performances

#623 World Ranked; #428 European Ranked


  View Alec's Discus Performances

#727 World Ranked; #511 European Ranked


  View Alec's Hammer Performances

#376 World Ranked; #295 European Ranked


  View Alec's Javelin Performances

#427 World Ranked; #283 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Alec's Pole Vault Performances

#135 World Ranked; #110 European Ranked


  View Alec's Shot Put Performances

#285 World Ranked; #241 European Ranked


  View Alec's Javelin Performances

#270 World Ranked; #213 European Ranked

2020 Outdoor Performances

  View Alec's Shot Put Performances

#277 World Ranked; #246 European Ranked


  View Alec's Javelin Performances

#197 World Ranked; #172 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Alec's High Jump Performances

#364 World Ranked; #292 European Ranked


  View Alec's Pole Vault Performances

#211 World Ranked; #168 European Ranked


  View Alec's Shot Put Performances

#724 World Ranked; #589 European Ranked


  View Alec's Discus Performances

#708 World Ranked; #575 European Ranked


  View Alec's Hammer Performances

#369 World Ranked; #310 European Ranked


  View Alec's Javelin Performances

#351 World Ranked; #276 European Ranked


  View Alec's Weight Performances

#193 World Ranked; #149 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Alec's High Jump Performances

#263 World Ranked; #207 European Ranked


  View Alec's Pole Vault Performances

#183 World Ranked; #152 European Ranked


  View Alec's Long Jump Performances

#634 World Ranked; #486 European Ranked


  View Alec's Shot Put Performances

#758 World Ranked; #618 European Ranked


  View Alec's Discus Performances

#788 World Ranked; #638 European Ranked


  View Alec's Hammer Performances

#318 World Ranked; #258 European Ranked


  View Alec's Javelin Performances

#375 World Ranked; #287 European Ranked


  View Alec's Weight Performances

#164 World Ranked; #117 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Alec's 100m Performances


  View Alec's High Jump Performances

#196 World Ranked; #150 European Ranked


  View Alec's Pole Vault Performances

#187 World Ranked; #139 European Ranked


  View Alec's Long Jump Performances

#448 World Ranked; #316 European Ranked


  View Alec's Triple Jump Performances

#190 World Ranked; #131 European Ranked


  View Alec's Shot Put Performances

#526 World Ranked; #400 European Ranked


  View Alec's Discus Performances

#524 World Ranked; #380 European Ranked


  View Alec's Hammer Performances

#294 World Ranked; #231 European Ranked


  View Alec's Javelin Performances

#289 World Ranked; #203 European Ranked


  View Alec's Weight Performances

#153 World Ranked; #100 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Alec's High Jump Performances

#307 World Ranked; #249 European Ranked


  View Alec's Triple Jump Performances

#264 World Ranked; #188 European Ranked


  View Alec's Shot Put Performances

#831 World Ranked; #697 European Ranked


  View Alec's Discus Performances

#657 World Ranked; #561 European Ranked


  View Alec's Hammer Performances

#404 World Ranked; #351 European Ranked


  View Alec's Javelin Performances

#361 World Ranked; #295 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Alec's High Jump Performances

#405 World Ranked; #346 European Ranked


  View Alec's Long Jump Performances

#679 World Ranked; #565 European Ranked


  View Alec's Shot Put Performances

#849 World Ranked; #743 European Ranked


  View Alec's Javelin Performances

#549 World Ranked; #473 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Alec's High Jump Performances

#176 World Ranked; #134 European Ranked


  View Alec's Shot Put Performances

#603 World Ranked; #470 European Ranked


  View Alec's Javelin Performances

#351 World Ranked; #263 European Ranked

2013 Outdoor Performances

  View Alec's 100m Performances


  View Alec's High Jump Performances

#185 World Ranked; #147 European Ranked


  View Alec's Pole Vault Performances

#171 World Ranked; #133 European Ranked


  View Alec's Long Jump Performances

#367 World Ranked; #275 European Ranked


  View Alec's Shot Put Performances

#197 World Ranked; #149 European Ranked


  View Alec's Discus Performances

#553 World Ranked; #426 European Ranked


  View Alec's Hammer Performances

#291 World Ranked; #241 European Ranked


  View Alec's Javelin Performances

#342 World Ranked; #262 European Ranked


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