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Competition LNCA 5 in Nouméa, NCL on 27 Nov
Sama Summer Competition in Mile End, AUS on 20 Nov
Meeting Lancers Longs du CPB in Rennes, FRA on 1 Dec

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Narcis Stefan Mihaila (ROU - M37) 2:44:16.0h - 35k Race Walk
Alexandra Droulin (FRA - W41) 37:50.0h - 10000 Meter
Laura Jylkkälau (FIN - W44) 19:51.0h - 5000 Meter

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Johannes Sanders, AUS - M79

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Jorma Rajakannas, FIN - M70

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2024 Outdoor Performances

  View Jorma's Shot Put Performances


  View Jorma's Discus Performances


  View Jorma's Hammer Performances


  View Jorma's Weight Performances

2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Jorma's Pole Vault Performances

#139 World Ranked; #77 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Shot Put Performances

#768 World Ranked; #479 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Discus Performances

#201 World Ranked; #125 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Hammer Performances

#440 World Ranked; #317 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Javelin Performances

#650 World Ranked; #402 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Weight Performances

#170 World Ranked; #123 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Superweight Performances

#13 World Ranked; #4 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#242 World Ranked; #193 European Ranked

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Jorma's Shot Put Performances

#450 World Ranked; #273 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Discus Performances

#505 World Ranked; #298 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Hammer Performances

#360 World Ranked; #242 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Weight Performances

#198 World Ranked; #137 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Superweight Performances

#16 World Ranked; #4 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Jorma's Shot Put Performances

#400 World Ranked; #258 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Discus Performances

#338 World Ranked; #211 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Hammer Performances

#246 World Ranked; #186 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Weight Performances

#152 World Ranked; #107 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Superweight Performances

#18 World Ranked; #4 European Ranked

2020 Outdoor Performances

  View Jorma's High Jump Performances

#104 World Ranked; #66 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Pole Vault Performances


  View Jorma's Shot Put Performances

#271 World Ranked; #197 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Discus Performances

#230 World Ranked; #169 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Hammer Performances

#188 World Ranked; #146 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Weight Performances

#158 World Ranked; #120 European Ranked

2020 Indoor Performances

  View Jorma's Shot Put Performances

#182 World Ranked; #128 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Jorma's Pole Vault Performances

#155 World Ranked; #87 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Shot Put Performances

#682 World Ranked; #473 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Discus Performances

#273 World Ranked; #182 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Hammer Performances

#308 World Ranked; #222 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Javelin Performances

#544 World Ranked; #348 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Weight Performances

#144 World Ranked; #95 European Ranked

2019 Indoor Performances

  View Jorma's Shot Put Performances

#231 World Ranked; #179 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Jorma's Pole Vault Performances

#168 World Ranked; #100 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Shot Put Performances

#712 World Ranked; #477 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Discus Performances

#413 World Ranked; #264 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Hammer Performances

#362 World Ranked; #264 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Javelin Performances

#648 World Ranked; #426 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Weight Performances

#202 World Ranked; #133 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Jorma's Pole Vault Performances

#157 World Ranked; #88 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Shot Put Performances

#558 World Ranked; #335 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Discus Performances

#402 World Ranked; #218 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Hammer Performances

#299 World Ranked; #192 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Weight Performances

#202 World Ranked; #127 European Ranked

2017 Indoor Performances

  View Jorma's Shot Put Performances

#192 World Ranked; #145 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Jorma's Long Jump Performances

#472 World Ranked; #288 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Shot Put Performances

#709 World Ranked; #486 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Discus Performances

#440 World Ranked; #280 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Hammer Performances

#397 World Ranked; #290 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Weight Performances

#155 World Ranked; #93 European Ranked

2016 Indoor Performances

  View Jorma's Shot Put Performances

#197 World Ranked; #146 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Jorma's 60m Performances


  View Jorma's Shot Put Performances

#556 World Ranked; #387 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Discus Performances

#336 World Ranked; #219 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Hammer Performances

#312 World Ranked; #232 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Javelin Performances

#685 World Ranked; #466 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Weight Performances

#169 World Ranked; #109 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Jorma's 60m Performances


  View Jorma's Shot Put Performances

#491 World Ranked; #239 European Ranked


  View Jorma's Discus Performances

#274 World Ranked; #127 European Ranked


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