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IX. Ročník Memoriálu Barnab... in Dolný Kubín, SVK on 14 Dec
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Gillian Gracie (CAN - W81) 7.89 - Weight Throw (4kg)
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Marion Le Neue (FRA - W32) 42.19 - Hammer (4kg)

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David L Fournerat, USA - M76

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Antti Pitkänen, FIN - M44

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2020 Outdoor Performances

  View Antti's Shot Put Performances

#284 World Ranked; #249 European Ranked


  View Antti's Javelin Performances

#238 World Ranked; #200 European Ranked


  View Antti's Weight Performances

#100 World Ranked; #87 European Ranked

2020 Indoor Performances

  View Antti's Weight Performances

#27 World Ranked; #16 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Antti's Shot Put Performances

#688 World Ranked; #564 European Ranked


  View Antti's Discus Performances

#578 World Ranked; #469 European Ranked


  View Antti's Hammer Performances

#276 World Ranked; #219 European Ranked


  View Antti's Javelin Performances

#464 World Ranked; #370 European Ranked


  View Antti's Weight Performances

#107 World Ranked; #72 European Ranked


  View Antti's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#67 World Ranked; #43 European Ranked

2019 Indoor Performances

  View Antti's Shot Put Performances

#161 World Ranked; #134 European Ranked


  View Antti's Weight Performances

#29 World Ranked; #17 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Antti's 100m Performances

#819 World Ranked; #522 European Ranked


  View Antti's Triple Jump Performances

#207 World Ranked; #161 European Ranked


  View Antti's Shot Put Performances

#557 World Ranked; #442 European Ranked


  View Antti's Discus Performances

#531 World Ranked; #416 European Ranked


  View Antti's Hammer Performances

#248 World Ranked; #191 European Ranked


  View Antti's Javelin Performances

#445 World Ranked; #346 European Ranked


  View Antti's Weight Performances

#105 World Ranked; #76 European Ranked

2018 Indoor Performances

  View Antti's 60m Performances

#342 World Ranked; #283 European Ranked


  View Antti's 200m Performances

#217 World Ranked; #186 European Ranked


  View Antti's High Jump Performances

#106 World Ranked; #92 European Ranked


  View Antti's Long Jump Performances

#162 World Ranked; #142 European Ranked


  View Antti's Triple Jump Performances

#64 World Ranked; #56 European Ranked


  View Antti's Shot Put Performances

#180 World Ranked; #159 European Ranked


  View Antti's Weight Performances

#25 World Ranked; #17 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Antti's 100m Performances

#640 World Ranked; #391 European Ranked


  View Antti's High Jump Performances

#278 World Ranked; #218 European Ranked


  View Antti's Long Jump Performances

#442 World Ranked; #308 European Ranked


  View Antti's Triple Jump Performances

#203 World Ranked; #154 European Ranked


  View Antti's Shot Put Performances

#525 World Ranked; #401 European Ranked


  View Antti's Discus Performances

#433 World Ranked; #315 European Ranked


  View Antti's Hammer Performances

#213 World Ranked; #157 European Ranked


  View Antti's Javelin Performances

#390 World Ranked; #278 European Ranked


  View Antti's Weight Performances

#105 World Ranked; #62 European Ranked

2017 Indoor Performances

  View Antti's 60m Performances

#341 World Ranked; #276 European Ranked


  View Antti's 200m Performances

#200 World Ranked; #161 European Ranked


  View Antti's Long Jump Performances

#163 World Ranked; #132 European Ranked


  View Antti's Shot Put Performances

#150 World Ranked; #129 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Antti's 100m Performances

#952 World Ranked; #665 European Ranked


  View Antti's High Jump Performances

#405 World Ranked; #344 European Ranked


  View Antti's Long Jump Performances

#614 World Ranked; #503 European Ranked


  View Antti's Shot Put Performances

#871 World Ranked; #736 European Ranked


  View Antti's Discus Performances

#639 World Ranked; #540 European Ranked


  View Antti's Hammer Performances

#329 World Ranked; #282 European Ranked


  View Antti's Javelin Performances

#565 World Ranked; #469 European Ranked


  View Antti's Weight Performances

#105 World Ranked; #74 European Ranked


  View Antti's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#29 World Ranked; #16 European Ranked

2016 Indoor Performances

  View Antti's 60m Performances

#297 World Ranked; #240 European Ranked


  View Antti's 200m Performances

#206 World Ranked; #161 European Ranked


  View Antti's High Jump Performances

#92 World Ranked; #82 European Ranked


  View Antti's Long Jump Performances

#140 World Ranked; #122 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Antti's 100m Performances

#506 World Ranked; #286 European Ranked


  View Antti's 800m Performances

#285 World Ranked; #187 European Ranked


  View Antti's High Jump Performances

#152 World Ranked; #120 European Ranked


  View Antti's Long Jump Performances

#252 World Ranked; #180 European Ranked


  View Antti's Shot Put Performances

#348 World Ranked; #270 European Ranked


  View Antti's Shot Put Performances

#792 World Ranked; #702 European Ranked


  View Antti's Discus Performances

#272 World Ranked; #203 European Ranked


  View Antti's Discus Performances

#723 World Ranked; #629 European Ranked


  View Antti's Hammer Performances

#275 World Ranked; #236 European Ranked


  View Antti's Hammer Performances

#409 World Ranked; #376 European Ranked


  View Antti's Javelin Performances

#265 World Ranked; #205 European Ranked


  View Antti's Javelin Performances

#571 World Ranked; #502 European Ranked


  View Antti's Weight Performances

#33 World Ranked; #18 European Ranked


  View Antti's Weight Performances

#131 World Ranked; #102 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Antti's 100m Performances

#278 World Ranked; #81 European Ranked


  View Antti's 800m Performances

#178 World Ranked; #63 European Ranked


  View Antti's Long Jump Performances

#119 World Ranked; #44 European Ranked


  View Antti's Shot Put Performances

#152 World Ranked; #70 European Ranked


  View Antti's Discus Performances

#127 World Ranked; #59 European Ranked


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