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Reiner Riedel (GER - M58) 23.58 - Hammer (6kg)
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Harald van Gils, NED - M50

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Gary Palmer, GBR - M58

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2024 Outdoor Performances

  View Gary's 100m Performances


  View Gary's 200m Performances


  View Gary's High Jump Performances


  View Gary's Long Jump Performances


  View Gary's Triple Jump Performances


  View Gary's Shot Put Performances


  View Gary's Discus Performances


  View Gary's Hammer Performances


  View Gary's Javelin Performances


  View Gary's Pentathlon Performances

2024 Indoor Performances

  View Gary's High Jump Performances


  View Gary's Long Jump Performances


  View Gary's Triple Jump Performances

2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Gary's 100m Performances


  View Gary's 200m Performances


  View Gary's 800m Performances

#283 World Ranked; #203 European Ranked


  View Gary's High Jump Performances

#81 World Ranked; #53 European Ranked


  View Gary's Long Jump Performances

#263 World Ranked; #155 European Ranked


  View Gary's Triple Jump Performances

#109 World Ranked; #68 European Ranked


  View Gary's Shot Put Performances

#628 World Ranked; #444 European Ranked


  View Gary's Discus Performances

#644 World Ranked; #440 European Ranked

2023 Indoor Performances

  View Gary's 60m Performances

#203 World Ranked; #152 European Ranked


  View Gary's High Jump Performances

#34 World Ranked; #29 European Ranked


  View Gary's Long Jump Performances

#95 World Ranked; #77 European Ranked


  View Gary's Triple Jump Performances

#59 World Ranked; #49 European Ranked

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Gary's 100m Performances


  View Gary's 200m Performances

#218 World Ranked; #112 European Ranked


  View Gary's 1500m Performances

#487 World Ranked; #337 European Ranked


  View Gary's High Jump Performances

#77 World Ranked; #56 European Ranked


  View Gary's Long Jump Performances

#196 World Ranked; #117 European Ranked


  View Gary's Triple Jump Performances

#104 World Ranked; #67 European Ranked


  View Gary's Shot Put Performances

#558 World Ranked; #359 European Ranked


  View Gary's Discus Performances

#554 World Ranked; #362 European Ranked


  View Gary's Javelin Performances

#434 World Ranked; #302 European Ranked


  View Gary's Pentathlon Performances

#16 World Ranked; #9 European Ranked

2022 Indoor Performances

  View Gary's 60m Performances

#85 World Ranked; #61 European Ranked


  View Gary's High Jump Performances

#38 World Ranked; #30 European Ranked


  View Gary's Long Jump Performances

#52 World Ranked; #42 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Gary's 100m Performances


  View Gary's High Jump Performances

#213 World Ranked; #155 European Ranked


  View Gary's Discus Performances

#648 World Ranked; #475 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Gary's 100m Performances

#398 World Ranked; #226 European Ranked


  View Gary's 200m Performances

#418 World Ranked; #261 European Ranked


  View Gary's 1500m Performances

#592 World Ranked; #460 European Ranked


  View Gary's High Jump Performances

#254 World Ranked; #193 European Ranked


  View Gary's Long Jump Performances

#300 World Ranked; #218 European Ranked


  View Gary's Triple Jump Performances

#176 World Ranked; #125 European Ranked


  View Gary's Shot Put Performances

#820 World Ranked; #616 European Ranked


  View Gary's Discus Performances

#679 World Ranked; #491 European Ranked


  View Gary's Javelin Performances

#585 World Ranked; #431 European Ranked


  View Gary's Pentathlon Performances

#9 World Ranked; #4 European Ranked

2019 Indoor Performances

  View Gary's 60m Hurdles Performances

#101 World Ranked; #84 European Ranked


  View Gary's High Jump Performances

#87 World Ranked; #75 European Ranked


  View Gary's Long Jump Performances

#110 World Ranked; #93 European Ranked


  View Gary's Shot Put Performances

#222 World Ranked; #183 European Ranked


  View Gary's Pentathlon Performances

#24 World Ranked; #21 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Gary's 100m Performances

#388 World Ranked; #238 European Ranked


  View Gary's 200m Performances

#213 World Ranked; #132 European Ranked


  View Gary's High Jump Performances

#176 World Ranked; #131 European Ranked


  View Gary's Triple Jump Performances

#135 World Ranked; #91 European Ranked


  View Gary's Shot Put Performances

#902 World Ranked; #655 European Ranked


  View Gary's Discus Performances

#592 World Ranked; #416 European Ranked


  View Gary's Javelin Performances

#542 World Ranked; #407 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Gary's 100m Performances


  View Gary's 400m Performances

#201 World Ranked; #128 European Ranked


  View Gary's High Jump Performances

#243 World Ranked; #170 European Ranked


  View Gary's Long Jump Performances

#343 World Ranked; #216 European Ranked


  View Gary's Javelin Performances

#606 World Ranked; #391 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Gary's 200m Performances

#498 World Ranked; #351 European Ranked


  View Gary's 1500m Performances

#949 World Ranked; #840 European Ranked


  View Gary's Long Jump Performances

#243 World Ranked; #178 European Ranked


  View Gary's Discus Performances

#868 World Ranked; #756 European Ranked


  View Gary's Javelin Performances

#494 World Ranked; #416 European Ranked


  View Gary's Pentathlon Performances

#16 World Ranked; #12 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Gary's 100m Performances


  View Gary's 200m Performances

#256 World Ranked; #136 European Ranked


  View Gary's 400m Performances

#187 World Ranked; #113 European Ranked


  View Gary's 800m Performances

#370 World Ranked; #257 European Ranked


  View Gary's 1500m Performances

#496 World Ranked; #369 European Ranked


  View Gary's Long Hurdles Performances

#55 World Ranked; #33 European Ranked


  View Gary's High Jump Performances

#67 World Ranked; #45 European Ranked


  View Gary's Long Jump Performances

#152 World Ranked; #96 European Ranked


  View Gary's Triple Jump Performances

#103 World Ranked; #71 European Ranked


  View Gary's Discus Performances

#483 World Ranked; #346 European Ranked


  View Gary's Javelin Performances

#517 World Ranked; #407 European Ranked


  View Gary's Pentathlon Performances

#11 World Ranked; #6 European Ranked

2014 Indoor Performances

  View Gary's 60m Hurdles Performances

#47 World Ranked; #36 European Ranked


  View Gary's High Jump Performances

#84 World Ranked; #69 European Ranked


  View Gary's Long Jump Performances

#94 World Ranked; #77 European Ranked


  View Gary's Shot Put Performances

#134 World Ranked; #99 European Ranked

2013 Outdoor Performances

  View Gary's 100m Performances

#317 World Ranked; #182 European Ranked


  View Gary's 200m Performances

#239 World Ranked; #144 European Ranked


  View Gary's 1500m Performances

#567 World Ranked; #470 European Ranked


  View Gary's High Jump Performances

#120 World Ranked; #88 European Ranked


  View Gary's Long Jump Performances

#144 World Ranked; #104 European Ranked


  View Gary's Discus Performances

#606 World Ranked; #474 European Ranked


  View Gary's Javelin Performances

#369 World Ranked; #273 European Ranked

2013 Indoor Performances

  View Gary's High Jump Performances

#44 World Ranked; #29 European Ranked


  View Gary's Long Jump Performances

#43 World Ranked; #31 European Ranked


  View Gary's Shot Put Performances

#91 World Ranked; #58 European Ranked

2012 Indoor Performances

  View Gary's 800m Performances


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