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Challenge des Lancers 2ème in La Garde, FRA on 14 Dec
World Athletics Tour in Dublin, IRL on 15 Dec
QMA Multi Events Champs and... in Brisbane, AUS on 14 Dec

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Reijo Harjurei (FIN - M67) 26:17.0h - 5000 Meter
Hodan Mohamed Mohamud (ITA - W47) 1:22:22.0h - Half Marathon
Eric Maugo Shikuku (KEN - M50) 46:56.0h - 10k Race Walk

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Markus Vieli, SUI - M62

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Giorgio Carezzi, ITA

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Giorgio's Shot Put Performances

#490 World Ranked; #295 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Discus Performances

#801 World Ranked; #483 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Hammer Performances

#179 World Ranked; #125 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Javelin Performances

#699 World Ranked; #411 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Weight Performances

#166 World Ranked; #116 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#175 World Ranked; #131 European Ranked

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Giorgio's Shot Put Performances

#473 World Ranked; #300 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Discus Performances

#667 World Ranked; #435 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Hammer Performances

#196 World Ranked; #139 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Javelin Performances

#704 World Ranked; #484 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Weight Performances

#155 World Ranked; #110 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#137 World Ranked; #104 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Giorgio's Shot Put Performances

#448 World Ranked; #311 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Discus Performances

#460 World Ranked; #311 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Hammer Performances

#151 World Ranked; #114 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Javelin Performances

#493 World Ranked; #361 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Weight Performances

#155 World Ranked; #109 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#129 World Ranked; #103 European Ranked

2020 Outdoor Performances

  View Giorgio's Hammer Performances

#145 World Ranked; #123 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Weight Performances

#121 World Ranked; #104 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Giorgio's Shot Put Performances

#486 World Ranked; #347 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Discus Performances

#702 World Ranked; #492 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Hammer Performances

#164 World Ranked; #126 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Javelin Performances

#694 World Ranked; #485 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Weight Performances

#132 World Ranked; #98 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Giorgio's Shot Put Performances

#366 World Ranked; #246 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Discus Performances

#591 World Ranked; #390 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Hammer Performances

#130 World Ranked; #98 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Javelin Performances

#629 World Ranked; #404 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Weight Performances

#88 World Ranked; #61 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#78 World Ranked; #45 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Giorgio's Shot Put Performances

#407 World Ranked; #258 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Discus Performances

#614 World Ranked; #395 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Hammer Performances

#165 World Ranked; #109 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Javelin Performances

#702 World Ranked; #456 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Weight Performances

#125 World Ranked; #84 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#93 World Ranked; #63 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Giorgio's Shot Put Performances

#486 World Ranked; #359 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Discus Performances

#868 World Ranked; #649 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Hammer Performances

#167 World Ranked; #135 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Javelin Performances

#924 World Ranked; #697 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Weight Performances

#96 World Ranked; #65 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Giorgio's Shot Put Performances

#526 World Ranked; #392 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Discus Performances

#592 World Ranked; #428 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Hammer Performances

#177 World Ranked; #140 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Javelin Performances

#864 World Ranked; #666 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Weight Performances

#105 World Ranked; #71 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#72 World Ranked; #45 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Giorgio's Hammer Performances

#164 World Ranked; #122 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Weight Performances

#100 World Ranked; #71 European Ranked

2013 Outdoor Performances

  View Giorgio's Shot Put Performances

#247 World Ranked; #129 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Discus Performances

#484 World Ranked; #287 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Hammer Performances

#89 World Ranked; #60 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Javelin Performances

#528 World Ranked; #341 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Weight Performances

#75 World Ranked; #43 European Ranked


  View Giorgio's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#68 World Ranked; #40 European Ranked


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