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All Comers Lamy Series in Lane Cove, AUS on 1 Mar
Manitoba Age Class Provinci... in Winnipeg, CAN on 28 Feb
Otevřené Mistrovství ČR Vet... in Jablonec nad Nisou, CZE on 9 Mar

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Belinda Schwarz (AUS - W42) 6:45.88 - 1500 Meter
Marie Johnson (CAN - W71) 40.1h - 200 Meter
Donald Mathewson (AUS - M80) 22:45.08 - 5000 Meter

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Adrian Royce, AUS - M57

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Vítor Pimenta, POR - M58

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2024 Outdoor Performances

  View Vítor's Shot Put Performances

#594 World Ranked; #391 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Discus Performances

#593 World Ranked; #382 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Hammer Performances

#434 World Ranked; #323 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Javelin Performances

#583 World Ranked; #386 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Weight Performances

#293 World Ranked; #222 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#200 World Ranked; #159 European Ranked

2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Vítor's Shot Put Performances

#547 World Ranked; #390 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Discus Performances

#585 World Ranked; #403 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Hammer Performances

#445 World Ranked; #330 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Javelin Performances

#552 World Ranked; #382 European Ranked

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Vítor's Shot Put Performances

#421 World Ranked; #267 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Discus Performances

#613 World Ranked; #401 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Hammer Performances

#359 World Ranked; #259 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Javelin Performances

#382 World Ranked; #266 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Weight Performances

#263 World Ranked; #190 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#163 World Ranked; #127 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Vítor's Javelin Performances

#484 World Ranked; #363 European Ranked

2020 Outdoor Performances

  View Vítor's Discus Performances

#314 World Ranked; #255 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Hammer Performances

#242 World Ranked; #201 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Javelin Performances

#278 World Ranked; #218 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Weight Performances

#162 World Ranked; #134 European Ranked

2018 Indoor Performances

  View Vítor's Long Jump Performances

#214 World Ranked; #175 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Triple Jump Performances

#98 World Ranked; #82 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Shot Put Performances

#191 World Ranked; #154 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Vítor's Shot Put Performances

#506 World Ranked; #320 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Discus Performances

#698 World Ranked; #455 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Hammer Performances

#362 World Ranked; #245 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Javelin Performances

#545 World Ranked; #355 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Weight Performances

#214 World Ranked; #136 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#112 World Ranked; #73 European Ranked

2017 Indoor Performances

  View Vítor's 1500m Performances

#125 World Ranked; #112 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Shot Put Performances

#149 World Ranked; #121 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Vítor's Shot Put Performances

#715 World Ranked; #608 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Shot Put Performances

#783 World Ranked; #586 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Discus Performances

#895 World Ranked; #673 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Hammer Performances

#407 World Ranked; #351 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Hammer Performances

#478 World Ranked; #384 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Javelin Performances

#706 World Ranked; #586 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Javelin Performances

#786 World Ranked; #590 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Weight Performances

#161 World Ranked; #115 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Weight Performances

#235 World Ranked; #164 European Ranked

2016 Indoor Performances

  View Vítor's Shot Put Performances

#172 World Ranked; #151 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Vítor's Shot Put Performances

#769 World Ranked; #675 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Discus Performances

#784 World Ranked; #676 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Javelin Performances

#591 World Ranked; #503 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Vítor's Shot Put Performances

#395 World Ranked; #291 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Discus Performances

#561 World Ranked; #412 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Hammer Performances

#486 World Ranked; #414 European Ranked


  View Vítor's Javelin Performances

#346 World Ranked; #257 European Ranked


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