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Torneo Master Club Atlético... in Santiago, CHI on 2 Nov
Herfstwerpmeerkamp in Edam, NED on 27 Oct
MAWA Weekly Meet Ecac in Cannington, AUS on 31 Oct

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Scott Hannay (USA - M60) 43.40 - Hammer (5kg)
Rosa Auquilla Vega (ECU - W48) 9.39 - Discus (1kg)
Harold Holmes (USA - M67) 27.58 - Discus (1kg)

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Gary Vanderhoof, USA - M68

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Urban Håkansson, SWE - M55

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2024 Outdoor Performances

  View Urban's Shot Put Performances


  View Urban's Discus Performances


  View Urban's Hammer Performances


  View Urban's Javelin Performances


  View Urban's Weight Performances


  View Urban's Throws Pentathlon Performances

2024 Indoor Performances

  View Urban's Shot Put Performances


  View Urban's Weight Performances

2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Urban's Shot Put Performances

#757 World Ranked; #539 European Ranked


  View Urban's Discus Performances

#869 World Ranked; #602 European Ranked


  View Urban's Hammer Performances

#532 World Ranked; #393 European Ranked


  View Urban's Javelin Performances

#613 World Ranked; #424 European Ranked


  View Urban's Weight Performances

#317 World Ranked; #239 European Ranked


  View Urban's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#220 World Ranked; #179 European Ranked

2023 Indoor Performances

  View Urban's Shot Put Performances

#176 World Ranked; #144 European Ranked


  View Urban's Weight Performances

#72 World Ranked; #53 European Ranked

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Urban's Shot Put Performances

#545 World Ranked; #373 European Ranked


  View Urban's Discus Performances

#679 World Ranked; #475 European Ranked


  View Urban's Hammer Performances

#508 World Ranked; #393 European Ranked


  View Urban's Javelin Performances

#587 World Ranked; #402 European Ranked


  View Urban's Weight Performances

#279 World Ranked; #215 European Ranked


  View Urban's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#191 World Ranked; #157 European Ranked

2022 Indoor Performances

  View Urban's Shot Put Performances

#129 World Ranked; #101 European Ranked


  View Urban's Weight Performances

#30 World Ranked; #17 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Urban's Shot Put Performances

#459 World Ranked; #338 European Ranked


  View Urban's Discus Performances

#560 World Ranked; #407 European Ranked


  View Urban's Hammer Performances

#358 World Ranked; #287 European Ranked


  View Urban's Javelin Performances

#326 World Ranked; #240 European Ranked


  View Urban's Weight Performances

#239 World Ranked; #187 European Ranked


  View Urban's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#134 World Ranked; #121 European Ranked

2020 Outdoor Performances

  View Urban's Shot Put Performances

#273 World Ranked; #219 European Ranked


  View Urban's Discus Performances

#363 World Ranked; #294 European Ranked


  View Urban's Hammer Performances

#250 World Ranked; #208 European Ranked


  View Urban's Javelin Performances

#300 World Ranked; #237 European Ranked


  View Urban's Weight Performances

#145 World Ranked; #119 European Ranked


  View Urban's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#77 World Ranked; #64 European Ranked

2020 Indoor Performances

  View Urban's Triple Jump Performances

#71 World Ranked; #63 European Ranked


  View Urban's Shot Put Performances

#171 World Ranked; #135 European Ranked


  View Urban's Weight Performances

#43 World Ranked; #29 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Urban's Triple Jump Performances

#193 World Ranked; #136 European Ranked


  View Urban's Shot Put Performances

#615 World Ranked; #458 European Ranked


  View Urban's Discus Performances

#884 World Ranked; #647 European Ranked


  View Urban's Hammer Performances

#464 World Ranked; #366 European Ranked


  View Urban's Javelin Performances

#453 World Ranked; #331 European Ranked


  View Urban's Weight Performances

#234 World Ranked; #168 European Ranked


  View Urban's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#147 World Ranked; #107 European Ranked

2019 Indoor Performances

  View Urban's 60m Hurdles Performances

#110 World Ranked; #90 European Ranked


  View Urban's High Jump Performances

#158 World Ranked; #134 European Ranked


  View Urban's Long Jump Performances

#206 World Ranked; #171 European Ranked


  View Urban's Triple Jump Performances

#89 World Ranked; #74 European Ranked


  View Urban's Shot Put Performances

#155 World Ranked; #140 European Ranked


  View Urban's Weight Performances

#26 World Ranked; #21 European Ranked


  View Urban's Pentathlon Performances

#44 World Ranked; #37 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Urban's Triple Jump Performances

#200 World Ranked; #154 European Ranked


  View Urban's Shot Put Performances

#636 World Ranked; #512 European Ranked


  View Urban's Discus Performances

#784 World Ranked; #634 European Ranked


  View Urban's Hammer Performances

#425 World Ranked; #353 European Ranked


  View Urban's Javelin Performances

#483 World Ranked; #376 European Ranked


  View Urban's Weight Performances

#160 World Ranked; #113 European Ranked


  View Urban's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#84 World Ranked; #56 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Urban's Triple Jump Performances

#226 World Ranked; #162 European Ranked


  View Urban's Shot Put Performances

#576 World Ranked; #435 European Ranked


  View Urban's Discus Performances

#705 World Ranked; #522 European Ranked


  View Urban's Hammer Performances

#377 World Ranked; #298 European Ranked


  View Urban's Javelin Performances

#436 World Ranked; #306 European Ranked


  View Urban's Weight Performances

#136 World Ranked; #87 European Ranked


  View Urban's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#80 World Ranked; #59 European Ranked

2017 Indoor Performances

  View Urban's Triple Jump Performances

#69 World Ranked; #59 European Ranked


  View Urban's Shot Put Performances

#138 World Ranked; #115 European Ranked


  View Urban's Weight Performances

#37 World Ranked; #23 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Urban's Triple Jump Performances

#191 World Ranked; #141 European Ranked


  View Urban's Shot Put Performances

#736 World Ranked; #625 European Ranked


  View Urban's Discus Performances

#825 World Ranked; #693 European Ranked


  View Urban's Javelin Performances

#452 World Ranked; #366 European Ranked

2016 Indoor Performances

  View Urban's Long Jump Performances

#129 World Ranked; #110 European Ranked


  View Urban's Triple Jump Performances

#59 World Ranked; #50 European Ranked


  View Urban's Shot Put Performances

#165 World Ranked; #144 European Ranked


  View Urban's Weight Performances

#37 World Ranked; #24 European Ranked


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