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World Athletics Tour in Dublin, IRL on 15 Dec
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Anneli Bohm (SWE - W50) 9.05 - 60 Meter
Brian Howard (USA - M60) 1:06.84 - 400 Meter
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Philip Brennan, GBR - M82

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Katrina Wasteney, GBR - W52

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2024 Outdoor Performances

  View Katrina's 400m Performances


  View Katrina's 1500m Performances


  View Katrina's 1 Mile Performances


  View Katrina's 3000m Performances


  View Katrina's 5000m Performances


  View Katrina's Shot Put Performances


  View Katrina's Discus Performances


  View Katrina's Hammer Performances

2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Katrina's 800m Performances

#364 World Ranked; #264 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 1500m Performances

#291 World Ranked; #233 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 1 Mile Performances

#43 World Ranked; #38 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Discus Performances

#634 World Ranked; #434 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Javelin Performances

#552 World Ranked; #384 European Ranked

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Katrina's 200m Performances


  View Katrina's 400m Performances

#300 World Ranked; #210 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 800m Performances

#275 World Ranked; #204 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 1500m Performances

#300 World Ranked; #223 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 1 Mile Performances

#36 World Ranked; #30 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Shot Put Performances

#591 World Ranked; #393 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Discus Performances

#558 World Ranked; #377 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Hammer Performances

#414 World Ranked; #307 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Javelin Performances

#479 World Ranked; #338 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Katrina's 100m Performances


  View Katrina's 200m Performances


  View Katrina's 400m Performances

#285 World Ranked; #235 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 800m Performances

#303 World Ranked; #248 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 1500m Performances

#347 World Ranked; #293 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 1 Mile Performances

#57 World Ranked; #42 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 3000m Performances

#288 World Ranked; #263 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Shot Put Performances

#388 World Ranked; #317 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Discus Performances

#351 World Ranked; #289 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Hammer Performances

#254 World Ranked; #207 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Javelin Performances

#378 World Ranked; #320 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 1500m Race Walk Performances

#6 World Ranked; #2 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Katrina's 400m Performances

#346 World Ranked; #272 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 800m Performances

#339 World Ranked; #283 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 1 Mile Performances

#45 World Ranked; #36 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Shot Put Performances

#697 World Ranked; #576 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Discus Performances

#578 World Ranked; #477 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Hammer Performances

#337 World Ranked; #283 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Javelin Performances

#510 World Ranked; #422 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Katrina's 200m Performances


  View Katrina's 400m Performances

#334 World Ranked; #263 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 800m Performances

#316 World Ranked; #268 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Steeplechase Performances

#16 World Ranked; #9 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Long Jump Performances

#386 World Ranked; #306 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Shot Put Performances

#730 World Ranked; #603 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Hammer Performances

#320 World Ranked; #267 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Javelin Performances

#466 World Ranked; #375 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Katrina's 200m Performances


  View Katrina's 400m Performances

#353 World Ranked; #262 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 800m Performances

#264 World Ranked; #218 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 1500m Performances

#220 World Ranked; #188 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 1 Mile Performances

#29 World Ranked; #25 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 3000m Performances

#358 World Ranked; #344 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 5000m Performances

#159 World Ranked; #128 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Steeplechase Performances

#15 World Ranked; #10 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Long Jump Performances

#365 World Ranked; #266 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Shot Put Performances

#525 World Ranked; #392 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Discus Performances

#460 World Ranked; #332 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Hammer Performances

#294 World Ranked; #234 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Javelin Performances

#391 World Ranked; #276 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Katrina's 100m Performances


  View Katrina's 400m Performances

#353 World Ranked; #277 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 1500m Performances

#328 World Ranked; #282 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 1 Mile Performances

#38 World Ranked; #28 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 3000m Performances

#250 World Ranked; #241 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 5000m Performances

#241 World Ranked; #208 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Sprint Hurdles Performances


  View Katrina's Steeplechase Performances

#30 World Ranked; #21 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Shot Put Performances

#691 World Ranked; #570 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Discus Performances

#585 World Ranked; #489 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Hammer Performances

#254 World Ranked; #209 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Katrina's 400m Performances

#236 World Ranked; #189 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 800m Performances

#259 World Ranked; #211 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 1500m Performances

#227 World Ranked; #202 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 3000m Performances

#181 World Ranked; #169 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Sprint Hurdles Performances


  View Katrina's Long Hurdles Performances

#13 World Ranked; #9 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Steeplechase Performances

#24 World Ranked; #19 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Shot Put Performances

#674 World Ranked; #594 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Discus Performances

#527 World Ranked; #474 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Hammer Performances

#300 World Ranked; #266 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Javelin Performances

#466 World Ranked; #406 European Ranked

2015 Indoor Performances

  View Katrina's 400m Performances

#25 World Ranked; #21 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 1500m Performances

#22 World Ranked; #19 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Katrina's 100m Performances


  View Katrina's 400m Performances

#85 World Ranked; #57 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 800m Performances

#89 World Ranked; #64 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 1500m Performances

#78 World Ranked; #63 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 3000m Performances

#127 World Ranked; #119 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Long Hurdles Performances

#22 World Ranked; #14 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Steeplechase Performances

#8 World Ranked; #5 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Long Jump Performances

#216 World Ranked; #152 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Shot Put Performances

#338 World Ranked; #259 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Discus Performances

#241 World Ranked; #193 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Javelin Performances

#235 World Ranked; #179 European Ranked

2014 Indoor Performances

  View Katrina's 400m Performances

#20 World Ranked; #18 European Ranked

2013 Outdoor Performances

  View Katrina's 100m Performances


  View Katrina's 200m Performances


  View Katrina's 400m Performances

#114 World Ranked; #86 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 1500m Performances

#313 World Ranked; #282 European Ranked


  View Katrina's 3000m Performances

#347 World Ranked; #340 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Sprint Hurdles Performances


  View Katrina's High Jump Performances

#102 World Ranked; #80 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Long Jump Performances

#208 World Ranked; #166 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Triple Jump Performances

#64 World Ranked; #50 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Shot Put Performances

#366 World Ranked; #298 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Discus Performances

#282 World Ranked; #237 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Hammer Performances

#178 World Ranked; #158 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Javelin Performances

#282 World Ranked; #241 European Ranked

2013 Indoor Performances

  View Katrina's 400m Performances

#12 World Ranked; #8 European Ranked


  View Katrina's Triple Jump Performances

#15 World Ranked; #13 European Ranked


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