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2ème Journée Lancers Hivernaux in Querqueville, FRA on 30 Nov
Willamette Striders Thanksg... in Oregon City, USA on 1 Dec
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James Gilbert (USA - M62) 1:16.93 - 400 Meter
Luis Sosa (PAR - M34) 16:49.0h - 5000 Meter
Christine Smith (AUS - W50) 11.50 - Weight Throw (7.26kg)

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Janelle Dickerson, USA - W59

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Age Grading

Age Grading is an adjustment for a performance (time, height or distance) based on age so all times, heights or distances for each event by athletes from 20 to over 100 years old can be compared to each other! 

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Keg Good, USA - W67

Former youth middle distance runner with Sports International Track Club in Washington DC. High school boys cross country and track teams. As a senior, finally ran on the girls team: fastest time in Maryland in the mile, 2nd in 880 state championships. Ran first marathon. WR in 6 and 8 women 24 hr relay. College: Men's cross country at Rochester Institute of Technology. Independently ran two seasons of women's track. Transferred to Eastern Kentucky U, where I ran off and on as an 800/1500 runner. Also ran marathons. Took up orienteering. Competed in World Collegiate Championships. US National Team member for many years. Many top 3 national championship finishes. Piddled around for many years. Tried race walking. Some Ultras. 3rd in World Rogaine Championships twice. 15 yr hiatus while kids were growing. Returned to track in 2014. Now a sprinter, thrower, & race walker. Still improving my post kids times & marks. Briefly WR in 4x400 55+ relay. Knee replacement in 2024.

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