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Meeting des Lancers Longs in Saint Renan, FRA on 30 Nov
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Andy Hunter (GBR - M64) 8.28 - 60 Meter
Thilo von Westernhagen (RSA - M64) 23:51.0h - 5000 Meter
Jose Almaguer (MEX - M26) 1:08:31.0h - Half Marathon

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Jeff James, USA - M66

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Age Grading

Age Grading is an adjustment for a performance (time, height or distance) based on age so all times, heights or distances for each event by athletes from 20 to over 100 years old can be compared to each other! 

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Dave Duden, USA - M64

A multi-sport athlete who overcame many physical limitations to become a champion. Dave is a High School State Tennis Champion in Nebraska, a basketball scholarship winner, and ranked in the 400 meters on the track. After 35 years Dave returned to the track, carried the Nebraska State flag at the 2017 National Senior Games, he also competed in 2019 and 2022 games. Although a middle distance runner, Dave completed 5 marathons including the grueling Sandia Peak Marathon in New Mexico in 2021 at age 60. Today Dave resides in Palm Beach County, Florida and is working on golf, pickleball, and free throw shooting, and hopes to return to competition as the next age group rolls around.

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A multi-sport athlete who overcame many physical limitations to become a more»

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