Ed Davis, USA - M72
Ed began throwing as a high school freshman in 1967...with a rubber disc, no coach, and a ring without a cage. Pretty standard for high school throwers in those days. Something about the discus just "clicked," .... and felt right, and he enjoyed it all through high school. But after graduation in 1970 he didn't touch a discus again until 2016. Amazingly, when he picked it up again, it STILL felt right. He never could have imagined in 1967 that in 2024 he would be representing the USA in the World Masters Championships in Gothenburg, Sweden. Ed says of throwing, "I really have figured out that the main rewards for me are the experience of creating and delivering a well-thrown discus, the environment, and the people. I love throwing, and will continue to do it, regardless of how far I throw. But it is also pretty damn fun to chuck one way out there!Ed began throwing as a high school freshman in 1967...with a rubber...read more»
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