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Meeting des Lancers Longs in Saint Renan, FRA on 30 Nov
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Lounes Benamara (ALG - M26) 1:07:12.0h - Half Marathon
Peter van der Velden (NED - M55) 32:55.47 - 10000 Meter
Maria Cimino (AUS - W53) 13.82 - Weight Throw (7.26kg)

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Jonathon Sweetin, USA - M49

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Ken Castro, USA - M69

Ken`s work has found a home in excess of 100 outlets across the United States; among them, the Associated Press, Philadelphia Daily News, Boston Herald, Houston Chronicle, Baltimore Sun, Tampa Times, Register Guard (Oregon), Providence Journal, Portland Press Herald. et al. He has appeared in sport-specific publications-The Sporting News, Yahoo Sports, USCHO, National Masters News, New England Hockey Journal, Track and Field News, Velo-News, USA Cycling, and more. Ken has reported on events including the Stanley Cup, World Cup of Hockey, USA Indoor Track and Field Championships, The Calder Cup playoffs,The Gold Cup of Soccer, UCI World Cycling Road Championships, The Beanpot, MiLB, WUSA, MLS, USA Women`s National Hockey Team, Frozen Four, Penn Relays and multiple NCAA regional championships. Among his favorite one-on-one interviews; Sir Roger Bannister and Ken Dryden.
Ken has competed in three USA Indoor Nationals (1987 Madison, 1988 Baton Rouge and 1990 Boston) and one Canadian Outdoor Nationals (Toronto)

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Ken`s work has found a home in excess of 100 outlets more»

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