Photo by David Weber

1st IAAF Masters Conference ? Malaga 2018: Give us your opinion

Dear Masters,

Following from the 1stsurvey carried out in March and April which had a positive feedback with around 85% of those contacted saying yes to the conferences, a 2ndsurvey to determine the events, setup, costs and numbers is now being circulated to athletes that participated in the 1st survey and other that my take part in the championships in Malaga 4-16 September 2018, and the possibility of having conferences after the end of the Championships 17-18-19 September.

Those on the list will be getting an e-mail in the coming week. For those who are not on the present list (or have not received an e-mail) you are still able to take part, please follow this link:

Once the survey has been completed, the conference events will be decided and bookings will be made on a ?first come? basis, this will also be done online through the IAAF.

This will be the 1stMasters development conference by the IAAF and we hope that from the results of this it can become part of the future at all WMA events.

Thank you, your participation is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

Gnter Lange

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