Unfamiliar with World Masters Rankings site?

Based on questions asked recently, it seems like many new people have visited the site over the past week. Here are 5 important things to know:

  • You can get your performances listed by submitting them. They will be instantly listed once you are finished! Any non-US athlete is welcome to submit results from as far back as 2013.
  • The site will be slightly easier to use if you are recognized and much more (after the open access window) features if you are a member.
  • Report corrections needed or questionable performances by clicking on the time, height, distance or score – it is a link to a form which sends all the information so we know which athlete, event and competition you are reporting.
  • Getting to what you want to see is probably quick since the site is filled with helpful links.
  • This is a grass roots effort which constantly changes based on your requests, feedback and suggestions. Please contact us with any of these plus to let us know something is not working well. Sometimes changes cause problems (I made the contact form disappear for a few hours today).

Newsletter replaced by this news site

Many have become accustomed to MastersRankings’ monthly newsletter and it has evolved with your feedback and requests. Don’t worry, it wont go away! The features you’ve requested will continue:

  • Meet Promotions Information you may not have known about competitions including special facets worth considering participation.
  • By the Numbers* Summarizing performances inserted into the rankings lets us all know how much we get done every month.
  • Sample of Complete Meet Results Added* Links to performances in the rankings from complete meet results that have been inserted.
  • Ranked Athlete Spotlight Articles about athletes, many times written completely by the athletes.
    • October 2017
    • November 2017 – within the next few days
  • Recent Noteworthy Performances* Sampling of recently inserted performances complete with links to Athletes profile, meet results and rankings lists.
  • General news about the rankings

Items tagged with an asterisks will be done monthly. Meet promotions will be done more frequently so you can plan accordingly. Athlete Spotlights will be done regularly 2 per region per year doesnt seem like enough. Youve mentioned several times that reports on rankings are too general so separating from other features and reporting periodically allow for more information and focusing on the subject.

1,489,960 results by 199,327 athletes from 197 countries are represented on this site!

Since Last Report:

  • 34,639 Performances Added (499 by Athletes)
  • Representing 13,222 Athletes from 136 Countries
  • 7,722 new athletes listed

Sample of Complete Meet Results Added:

Photos byRo Quesada.Thank you to all the photographerswho support our sport.

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