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Championnat Départemental L... in Venissieux, FRA on 21 Dec
Bajen Winterkast in Enskede, SWE on 19 Dec
Championnats du Doubs de La... in Besançon, FRA on 15 Dec

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Guy Quarterman (AUS - M83) 12.55 - Weight Throw (5.45kg)
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David Hood, USA - M59

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Lance Croft, GBR - M58

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Lance's 200m Performances

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Lance's Javelin Performances

#613 World Ranked; #456 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Lance's 100m Performances

#989 World Ranked; #608 European Ranked


  View Lance's 200m Performances

#774 World Ranked; #484 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Lance's 100m Performances


  View Lance's 200m Performances

#682 World Ranked; #437 European Ranked


  View Lance's 400m Performances

#496 World Ranked; #337 European Ranked


  View Lance's 800m Performances

#364 World Ranked; #280 European Ranked


  View Lance's Discus Performances

#1116 World Ranked; #820 European Ranked


  View Lance's Javelin Performances

#908 World Ranked; #689 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Lance's 200m Performances

#452 World Ranked; #244 European Ranked


  View Lance's 400m Performances

#359 World Ranked; #224 European Ranked


  View Lance's 800m Performances

#439 World Ranked; #314 European Ranked


  View Lance's Long Jump Performances

#633 World Ranked; #388 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Lance's 200m Performances

#698 World Ranked; #514 European Ranked


  View Lance's 400m Performances

#665 World Ranked; #510 European Ranked


  View Lance's 800m Performances

#769 World Ranked; #637 European Ranked


  View Lance's Long Jump Performances

#759 World Ranked; #610 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Lance's 200m Performances


  View Lance's 400m Performances

#212 World Ranked; #127 European Ranked


  View Lance's 800m Performances

#234 World Ranked; #164 European Ranked


  View Lance's Shot Put Performances

#686 World Ranked; #534 European Ranked


  View Lance's Javelin Performances

#446 World Ranked; #343 European Ranked

2013 Outdoor Performances

  View Lance's 200m Performances


  View Lance's 400m Performances

#167 World Ranked; #108 European Ranked


  View Lance's 800m Performances

#100 World Ranked; #70 European Ranked


  View Lance's Long Jump Performances

#371 World Ranked; #278 European Ranked


  View Lance's Shot Put Performances

#712 World Ranked; #584 European Ranked


  View Lance's Discus Performances

#642 World Ranked; #506 European Ranked


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