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Challenge des Lancers 2ème in La Garde, FRA on 14 Dec
Bunbury Club Competition in Bunbury, AUS on 21 Dec
Regio 1 in Luxembourg, LUX on 14 Dec

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Asuerus Thompson (USA - M39) 2:09.17 - 800 Meter
Ann Jefferies (AUS - W62) 25.61 - Discus (1kg)
Laura Maurin (FRA - W35) 32.70 - Discus (1kg)

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Matt Jewett, USA - M55

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Gotthold Knecht, GER - M72

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2024 Outdoor Performances

  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances


  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances


  View Gotthold's Discus Performances


  View Gotthold's Javelin Performances

2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances

#109 World Ranked; #57 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances

#293 World Ranked; #133 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances

#134 World Ranked; #63 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances

#472 World Ranked; #303 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Discus Performances

#588 World Ranked; #355 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Javelin Performances

#565 World Ranked; #336 European Ranked

2023 Indoor Performances

  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances

#65 World Ranked; #49 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances

#121 World Ranked; #89 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances

#45 World Ranked; #37 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances

#129 World Ranked; #96 European Ranked

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances

#86 World Ranked; #49 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances

#89 World Ranked; #47 European Ranked

2020 Indoor Performances

  View Gotthold's 60m Hurdles Performances

#52 World Ranked; #29 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances

#55 World Ranked; #40 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Gotthold's 200m Performances

#509 World Ranked; #254 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Long Hurdles Performances

#87 World Ranked; #50 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances

#95 World Ranked; #66 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances

#345 World Ranked; #217 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances

#115 World Ranked; #71 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances

#452 World Ranked; #322 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Discus Performances

#577 World Ranked; #385 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Javelin Performances

#503 World Ranked; #326 European Ranked

2019 Indoor Performances

  View Gotthold's 60m Hurdles Performances

#73 World Ranked; #47 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances

#67 World Ranked; #51 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances

#106 World Ranked; #78 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances

#51 World Ranked; #41 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances

#200 World Ranked; #157 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Pentathlon Performances

#31 World Ranked; #21 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Gotthold's 100m Performances

#496 World Ranked; #266 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Long Hurdles Performances

#84 World Ranked; #47 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances

#73 World Ranked; #48 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances

#302 World Ranked; #193 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances

#102 World Ranked; #67 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances

#460 World Ranked; #295 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Discus Performances

#492 World Ranked; #315 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Javelin Performances

#451 World Ranked; #287 European Ranked

2018 Indoor Performances

  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances

#42 World Ranked; #31 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances

#37 World Ranked; #31 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances

#162 World Ranked; #127 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances

#50 World Ranked; #36 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances

#254 World Ranked; #126 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances

#86 World Ranked; #43 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances

#413 World Ranked; #237 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Discus Performances

#478 World Ranked; #273 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Javelin Performances

#411 World Ranked; #229 European Ranked

2017 Indoor Performances

  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances

#31 World Ranked; #26 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances

#33 World Ranked; #29 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Gotthold's 100m Performances

#661 World Ranked; #325 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's 200m Performances

#518 World Ranked; #264 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances

#82 World Ranked; #50 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances

#377 World Ranked; #241 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances

#137 World Ranked; #82 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances

#591 World Ranked; #408 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Discus Performances

#655 World Ranked; #429 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Javelin Performances

#573 World Ranked; #369 European Ranked

2016 Indoor Performances

  View Gotthold's 60m Hurdles Performances

#84 World Ranked; #61 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances

#58 World Ranked; #45 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances

#131 World Ranked; #98 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances

#51 World Ranked; #35 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances

#172 World Ranked; #127 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Pentathlon Performances

#34 World Ranked; #28 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Gotthold's 100m Performances

#513 World Ranked; #283 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's 200m Performances

#470 World Ranked; #242 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's 400m Performances

#505 World Ranked; #283 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's 1500m Performances

#620 World Ranked; #430 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Sprint Hurdles Performances

#124 World Ranked; #70 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances

#86 World Ranked; #56 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances

#318 World Ranked; #198 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances

#100 World Ranked; #64 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances

#495 World Ranked; #337 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Discus Performances

#513 World Ranked; #350 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Javelin Performances

#503 World Ranked; #342 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Decathlon Performances

#45 World Ranked; #33 European Ranked

2015 Indoor Performances

  View Gotthold's 60m Hurdles Performances

#72 World Ranked; #42 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances

#38 World Ranked; #31 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances

#104 World Ranked; #64 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances

#55 World Ranked; #42 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances

#137 World Ranked; #99 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Pentathlon Performances

#23 World Ranked; #17 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Gotthold's 100m Performances

#388 World Ranked; #149 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's 400m Performances

#398 World Ranked; #180 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Sprint Hurdles Performances

#89 World Ranked; #38 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances

#39 World Ranked; #23 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances

#240 World Ranked; #103 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances

#78 World Ranked; #47 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances

#353 World Ranked; #154 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Discus Performances

#365 World Ranked; #165 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Javelin Performances

#358 World Ranked; #171 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Decathlon Performances

#22 World Ranked; #15 European Ranked

2014 Indoor Performances

  View Gotthold's 60m Hurdles Performances

#74 World Ranked; #48 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances

#38 World Ranked; #28 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances

#88 World Ranked; #65 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances

#43 World Ranked; #33 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances

#130 World Ranked; #85 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Pentathlon Performances

#32 World Ranked; #24 European Ranked

2013 Indoor Performances

  View Gotthold's 60m Hurdles Performances

#45 World Ranked; #22 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances

#12 World Ranked; #4 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances

#66 World Ranked; #31 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances

#24 World Ranked; #12 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances

#68 World Ranked; #30 European Ranked


  View Gotthold's Pentathlon Performances

#20 World Ranked; #13 European Ranked

2012 Indoor Performances

  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances


  View Gotthold's Pentathlon Performances

2010 Indoor Performances

  View Gotthold's 60m Hurdles Performances


  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances


  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances


  View Gotthold's Pentathlon Performances

2009 Outdoor Performances

  View Gotthold's 100m Performances


  View Gotthold's 400m Performances


  View Gotthold's 1500m Performances


  View Gotthold's Sprint Hurdles Performances


  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances


  View Gotthold's Pole Vault Performances


  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances


  View Gotthold's Discus Performances


  View Gotthold's Javelin Performances


  View Gotthold's Decathlon Performances

2008 Indoor Performances

  View Gotthold's 60m Performances


  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances


  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances


  View Gotthold's Pentathlon Performances

2007 Outdoor Performances

  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances


  View Gotthold's Triple Jump Performances

2005 Outdoor Performances

  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances


  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances

2004 Indoor Performances

  View Gotthold's 60m Performances


  View Gotthold's High Jump Performances


  View Gotthold's Long Jump Performances


  View Gotthold's Shot Put Performances


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