NEW UPDATE!! Masters Indoor 200m Exhibition-Feb 18th 2018 in ALBQ- during the Open USA Indoor National Championship: Age eligibility has been updated to Women 65+ and Men 75+ . Please sign up and represent our masters USA! (Register here)

Tell your teammates! Our Masters Exhibition Event at the USATF Championship in Albuquerque, New Mexico on February 18 will be the 200m for W65+ and M75+. The entry standards are 34.00 for the women and 30.00 for the men (the times are +/-. If there is not a big enough field we may adjust time slightly or even drop down to include an age group). Click for full information.

Our Masters Exhibition Events Committee has discussed how we can showcase our exceptional age group athletes. It is great that the younger 40+ masters athletes get our sport publicity and exposure of the 90+ athletes are similarly great for our sport too. This time we wanted to showcase middle aged athletes as well! Zack Raubuck, our Masters USATF liaison, has been fantastic in helping to coordinate our time slot for the Exhibition 200m event. We have our masters race showcased right at the start of Prime Time coverage on the last day of finals in the USATF Championship. The timing is great and will be awesome for our track and field community to see our terrific W65+ and M75+ stars. They are so impressive and inspiring! Through this event, the world will see our amazing USA Masters athletes shine!

Look at the crowds in these pictures and imagine yourself competing while this crowd is going wild in amazement!

More to come!

We are also working on more events which will focus on age groups and have a few age graded races. The latter is very popular so we decided to add that, too! Further details will be coming soon. Your thoughts and ideas are greatly appreciated so please comment below or contact me directly.

What are Masters Exhibition Events?

Masters Exhibition events are special competitions held at premier open track and field meets in the United States which showcase top men and women athletes aged 40 and up. Read More

Lisa Rosborough did an excellent job covering our event in Sacramento at the USATF Outdoor National Championships on June 25 in the September 2017 issue of National Masters News ($5 emailed PDF or $10 mailed while supplies last). She astutely captured what our committee was trying to achieve using fresh ideas from all of us newbies! Thank you Lisa! Her article also includes comments from many of the participants. Lisa closes her article with Brent Cottong’s in-depth, rock star experience. All well worth reading!

Photos above from our event in June by Mark Connolly. Thank you to all the photographers who support our sport.

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