Virtual competitions became essential in 2020 to meet athletes’ needs. Worldwide Virtual Masters Challenges provided an opportunity for athletes to participate in an organized, worldwide competition. 2021 Challenges are planned. Get ready!
Worldwide Virtual Masters Challenges
Virtual competitions became essential in 2020 to meet athletes’ needs. Worldwide Virtual Masters Challenges provided an opportunity for athletes to participate in an organized, worldwide competition. 2021 Challenges are planned. Get ready!
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Have the Diploma’s for Worldwide Virtual Masters Challenge been awarded to athletes who competed between August 14-November 1, 2020?
When will the official results of the Worldwide Virtual Master Challenge be ready? I see the page was taken down and we’re lookingo forward to the results and diplomas.
Thank you,
Thanks for checking. Any day now.
Could not the virtual masters challenge be included some how in the mastersranking as this which had no change like me to compete in an official competition. We all belong to the same family masters athletics. Regards Hans Miekautsch
Hello Hans, hope you, your family and friends are well and safe. I welcome ideas on how virtual competition performances could be included in Rankings. Rankings accuracy and integrity are paramount and virtual performances, especially Category C in Worldwide Virtual Masters Challenges, are not as accurate as competitions run by capable and knowledgeable officials. It is heartbreaking to reject performances (I have rejected many this year). I deeply empathize with everyone who cannot participate in bona fide competitions – I have been self-sequestered since March to keep my oldest daughter, who is vulnerable, safe (have only left this property three times).
John Seto
Thanks John your comment is fair . Hope you and your family keeping healthy.
Regards Hans Miekautsch
Hi John,
I was looking thru the results of the masters challenge and to my surprise I found my name and a performance in Highjump and in Longjump which I have not done.
I have no explanation how this results reached you. Can you please remove this from the result sheet.
Kind regards
Hans Miekautsch
Salve, non sono aggiornate, il mio risultato di 6″32 indoor non risulta.saluti
Salve, le liste non sono aggiornate, il mio risultato di 6″32 nel salto in lungo indoor non risulta.saluti
Hello Stefano, hope you, your family and friends are well and safe. Congratulations on your fine performance. Please go to the rankings site, click on Submit Results (https://www.mastersrankings.com/submit-performances/) then complete the form. Your mark will be instantly updated and your performance will be added to your profile. Your rankings numbers on your profile will be updated within 24 hours (automatically updated once a day).
I trained hard for the July/August virtual challenge and had track savvy friends time my performance to meet the standard for grade b category (hand time adjusted by adding .24 seconds to their stop watch time.) I feel I had an honest hand-timed performance and now get no recognition on the master list. Why did I pay and perform for this if it doesn’t count? Disappointed.
Hello Dom, hope you, your family and friends are well and safe. Sorry you are disappointed. People participated in the Worldwide Virtual Masters Challenge for many reasons. One was to compete in a legitimate worldwide championship. You can honestly say that you were the Worldwide Virtual Masters Challenge Champion in 400m.
It is of paramount importance to MastersRankings to compile lists with integrity so our policy for performance eligibility in the official Rankings need to be from pre-organized competitions which have capable officials ensuring all WMA and USATF rules are followed.
Thank you. I respect your rule.
Hello John, since all of us are still training when it is very hard when you have not have had a track meet for over a year and now looking to August I hope for the next event. If even then. Until we can jump or throw or run in an a event or virtual meet April, is it possible to have our ranking with an asterisk by our name, no number just name and results. Just a thought and I do know why your doing what your doing? cheating is a problem but I hate to think us old farts are cheating. I am like the rest, I agree with you but these are different times.
K. Barry
So sorry, Barry. I must not have clicked Reply on my response to you on Monday. Hope you, your family and friends are well and safe. It is a good idea but not something easy to do. I would have to create a different page so there is no confusion with the official Rankings lists, program or modify program to allow non-rankings-eligible performances and possibly create a new database table. I have too many to-dos related to corrections and other things important for Rankings. Right now, those are a priority but I may change my mind if the void for athletes is prolonged.
My country does not have provinces and that section stumps me each time I try to register. How then to register
Hello Joyce, sorry for the trouble. Please see your email.
Спасибо и благодарность огромную, хочу выразить организаторам этого виртуального Мирового события, которые такой замечательной инициативой, дают возможность огромному количеству возрастным спортсменам, принимать участие в Международных турнирах, в период вынужденного соревновательного ограничения. Ваша идея вертуального соревнования, даёт отличный стимул и возможность, продолжать регулярные тренировки спортсменам, чтобы демонстрировать свои результаты и сравнивать их по рейтингу с другими участниками таких соревнований. Ещё раз выражаю благодарность руководителям, администроторам и техническому персоналу этого Мирового события, от всех Российских участников соревнования и пожелать Вам новых, ярких и интересных спортивных предложений в будущем, всем тем возрастным Мастерам лёгкой атлетики, кто дорожит такой предоставленной возможностью, поддерживать свою спортивную форму и соревноваться виртуально с другими участниками. С уважением и благодарностью, Геннадий Макоев, город Санкт-Петербург, Россия. Я принимал участие в толканию ядра, метании диска и метательском пятиборье, в группе 70+ и в рейтинге за 2020 год, не обнаружил себя в метательском пятиборье, хотя по результату должен быть на третьем месте, вероятно нужно подсказать техническому персоналу, чтобы поправили, заранее спасибо.
Мой результат в метательское пятиборье 4306 очков.
Мастера Рейтинги. Мой результат в Рейтинге 2020 года, в категории 70+ в метательское пятиборье, равен 4306 очков. В общем Мировом рейтинге за 2020 год, мой результат должен быть на 3 месте, а не на 126 месте, вероятно это техническая ошибка, прошу поправить мой рейтинг. С Уважением, Геннадий Макоев, Санкт-Петербург.
Hello Gennadiy, hope you, your family and friends are well and safe. Thank you for letting us know. This is fixed. Sorry for the trouble. You submitted 38 as your score when you submitted it. Also sorry that, as the official Rankings for World Masters Athletics, we cannot list sanctioned athletes or athletes from sanctioned nations. You are welcome to submit your results in our system but they are not allowed in the official Rankings.
In the future, please click on the time, height, distance or score to report any issue like incorrect performance or duplicate / misspelled athlete or competition – they are links to the report error form which make it easy for you to report and for us to correct.
Hola como puedo ver los resultados del World masters virtual
Hello Eduardo, hope you, your family and friends are well and safe. Results for all the Worldwide Virtual Masters Challenges are on that site ( https://worldwidevirtualmasterschallenge.com/ ).
Caracas , Venezuela, South America martes 03 de agosto 2021
Please send me the webpage of Masters Athletic Venezuelan Foundation FUNDAMAVEN or like this?
I was born 1950 male 1500 mts. walk
Armando GARCIA
Hello Armando, hope you, your family and friends are well and safe. Not sure what you are asking so please clarify if this answer does not resolve for you. You can use this form ( https://mastersrankings.com/submit-performances/ ) to provide information for your performance to be listed in the Rankings.
My Name is not on the entry list for M80 Men’s 3K, 5K, 1K WVMC Race Walk Events
On September 23, 2021, I Race Walked 5000-KM, but today when I tried to enter my time for 2021 WVMC II, my name is not on the Men’s WVMC 5K Race Walk. I paid $3.00 per-events{$9.00} plus a 1-year WMA Membership. Would you kindly look into this matter to see what happened to correct this matter? Two copies what WMA sent is pasted below my signature and I received two of them indicating I paid for 3-events plus a 1-year WMA Membership.
How do I get my Name on the events which I registered for today? I have already paid by Credit Card $34.00 for 3-events and a 1-year WMA Membership only to find out my name is not recorded on any of the events I signed up for September 23, 2021.
Please advise,
William Misner
Hi – any way a diploma(s) can be printed off & mailed to me? I don’t have a PC/printer capacities. I’d be more than willing to pay for shipping. Thanks
Hello Deborah, hope you, your family and friends are well and safe. Sorry, no.